Let’s Talk About What’s Holding You Back…
It might be that one thing you secretly want to change but keep postponing it for another day. Maybe you keep telling yourself, ‘I’m waiting for my break'. Or you just don't have the courage to break out of the box.
The truth is when you start competing with everyone else, you'll keep going round in circles. But when you only focus on yourself - where you were yesterday and where you want to be tomorrow - things definitely get better.
To be honest with you, what holds us back isn’t someone else. Here's a 5 minute challenge for you, sit quietly and write down every thought that comes to mind when you ask yourself this question.
What’s holding me back? What’s really holding me back?
And be as honest with yourself as possible.
You could apply this to any area of our life. For example if you believe money is bad and becoming wealthy wasn’t something you felt comfortable with. You might undermine your efforts to increase your income. Or if you wanted to be healthier, you might push yourself until you burnout. Sometimes, we flip the script and do the opposite of what we're trying to achieve.
But if we don’t look after our bodies and care for them, we won’t reap the rewards of good health and the prospect of wealth. Figuring out what's holding us back can lead us to this question ?–
What do I really want?
Is it health? Is it wealth? Or something else?
Go deeper and question why you want what you want.
If it’s health - why do you want health?
If it’s wealth - why do you want wealth?
If it’s something else like freedom – why do you want freedom?
What will it give you?
How do you think you could obtain ‘what you want’?
There’s no easy way to get what you want, but first you have to address ‘what’s holding you back’.
What myths are you choosing to believe about your situation?
I don’t believe any one has different opportunities, it’s how observant we are and whether we notice that we can have what we want, then give ourselves the permission to go after it with determination!
I’ll do everything I can to be healthier because I deserve well-being and wholeness.
I’ll do everything I can to increase my wealth because I deserve peace of mind and freedom.
How Can You Challenge Your Perceptions?
Being fabulous doesn’t have an age limit, neither is it dependent on our circumstances. Tough doesn’t mean something isn’t doable. Applying yourself to do something to change your situation is your decision.
Define what health, wealth or freedom is to you.
Perhaps they are all closely linked for you. If you had wealth, you could take care of your health.
It could be having enough so that you don’t have to worry about having enough. Only you can define what this looks like for you.
Most of us fall behind because we don’t have a clear definition of our own health or wealth. So how can we monitor or judge our success?
When you can define what health or wealth means to you – you can start thinking about goals that will help you achieve that definition.
If you planned a weekend break, wouldn’t you need to think about your route, what time you need to leave to reach your destination. How you would get there and what you plan to do when you get there.
Try applying this to wanting better health or gaining the wealth you deserve for yourself and your family.
What does being healthy or wealthy mean to you? How do you intend to get there? How long will it take you? And what are you going to be able to do or want to do when you accomplish your goal?
When you achieve your definition of a more energised life where you have more freedom - how will it feel?
Keep It Simple
Then make it realistic and achievable by reverse engineering the timeline you give yourself. It’s all about making the days count. And being honest with yourself.
Most times we fail because we lie to ourselves and give ourselves unrealistic deadlines. Yes, I’ll definitely turn my life around. But without specificity, it could take you months or years to see any change.
I’ve learnt that keeping your goals to yourself is the best way to avoid the negative opinions of others. Think of it as your secret to achieving your plan of being healthy and wealthy.
No one needs to know.
I believe if I’m happy and I have a fun attitude to any situation, I attract abundance into all areas of my life.
Positivity is an energy you maintain and not worry about whether anyone else will be happy for you.
Whether or not you tell others, they might jump with glee or could highlight all the pitfalls and try derail your efforts.
I certainly don’t want that to be the reason I hold myself back.
Is that a worthwhile strategy?
Would all the successful experts out there agree with you?
We all want the perfect holiday pictures of our gym toned hard work beach body or healthy bank balance.
But are we using chance or sweat, focus and discipline to get there?
Ready For A Reality Check?
Did you know that most people ignore the obvious.
What’s holding you back from being a different person 1 year from how?
Maybe you say it’s not enough money or you don’t have the opportunities that someone more successful does.
Excuses is all there is between keep you from hoping your problems will disappear and investing into the right ways to think constructively.
I love the Virgin Media ad, Why Walk When You Can Ride! It's such a perfect illustration to find an easier way to do things. The key has to be a choice we intentionally make.
What’s holding you back should become what’s stopping me from doing this now!
The consequences are worth gaining, and better than I imagine - if I change the questions I ask myself.
Now, it’s your turn to decide what you want health, wealth or freedom for?
Then act on why being any of these will benefit you emotionally, physically or mentally?
Don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back!
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Also, If you are interested in exploring what’s holding you back in more detail, book a free exploration call and let’s help you get a new layer of clarity.