Let’s Talk About UX, Baby …
Attila Vago
Staff Software Engineer, Web Accessibility Specialist, Tech Writer, Author
User experience. The two words that have taken the world by storm, uttered by toddlers, teenagers, young adults, not so young adults going through a midlife crisis, cocaine addicts, old adults and all their immediate relatives and friends at their funeral two years later; dropping it into conversations like comma in a long list of other often unnecessary punctuation marks in a convoluted, pretentious yet potentially meaningless sentence, like this one for instance. Two seemingly unrelated words bastardised together by the beautiful, yet practical limitations of the English language and Donald Norman of the 1990’s.
A “user” who is traditionally seen as someone like this guy over here, has been rebranded into a faceless icon representing virtually any human being not in a coma. Except hipsters and millennials. They’re something else.