Let’s talk about “Upstaffing”

Let’s talk about “Upstaffing”

My company, Upstaff has spent the past several years helping teams expand their engineering orgs beyond this constrained box due to the simple fact that the standard patterns of engagement don’t work and don’t deliver.

We work with a lot of product companies — new, growing, middle-market, on up to mature — sometimes they work with us directly, sometimes through a very powerful IT service company (white label, in their vernacular).

Typically, startups and enterprises turn to Upstaff in several scenarios:

In the hard-to-fill positions: experts come from a very niche area of the business, where recruiters don’t just go out there and poach someone, they will find: profiles of people they can get along with; profiles of people they can stand shoulder to shoulder with and say: ‘This is our new sex dream team!

‘Fire on the project’: crisis, peak load season, your dev quits, whatever – and you need to scale now.

Handy contractual form: Nevertheless, if it is more expedient to make (hire) an engineer than to make (own) one (guarantees, bonuses, et al not paid), it is possible to exit without further obligation the design process.

Very specific vacancies: As with an irregular shift, stowage operation, moving work, location, and other optional conditions [can make this kind of vacancy] the most convenient.

Regular, normal, hard-working developers: There is no need to feed the recruiters with requirements, but to just pick up a good developer.

Sometimes companies don’t use any more ways to source software engineers (because of a lack of time, political will, relationship, capabilities to work and manage remotely, or trust to search partners) and then decide to stop searching and hire someone as good as they could ever hire or find nothing at all.

If you want a new hiring and team extension channel on your radar, go ahead and consider hiring your next engineer or designer with Upstaff.com - We start by setting up a 30-minute discovery call where we talk about the challenges you have with your project, what the technical requirements are, and any diversity gaps you want to fill in your team.


