Let's talk about sweet gas.
Gabriela Mascarenhas - Master Black Belt
Well Construction and Intervention Operations Coordinator at Origem Energia
"A natural gas is called sweet gas if it has no sour components such as H2S, CO2, mercaptans, but is almost exclusively composed of methane, low amounts of ethane, propane, inert gases (N2) and traces of heavier
hydrocarbons. It is generally saturated in water at reservoir temperature and pressure.
A natural gas is usually defined as sour when it contains hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and/or carbon dioxide (CO2).
A condensate gas reservoir can be defined as a reservoir in which temperature is between critical temperature and cricondenthermal point (maximum temperature at which coexistence of the two phases is still possible) for the particular natural hydrocarbon system it contains.
In the following table, the components of SWEET, ACID and CONDENSED gas fluids are indicated."