Let's talk about roots!
The roots of the conflict are almost always left unspoken.

Let's talk about roots!

Most people run away from conflict when, for me, a lot of good things come out of conflict.

Conflicts are like trees. What we see is not the root of the problem.?

It is important that as a work team we are willing to talk about the conflicts and also to discuss what we tend to keep quiet about.?

As my friend Dr. Georg Michalik / Mr. Co-Creation says the elephant of the problem.

Do you know the five whys technique? It is a tool to see the roots of the problem and not to stay with the superficial ones.?

Sakichi Toyoda, Japanese industrialist, inventor and founder of Toyota Industries, developed the 5 Whys technique in the 1930s. It became popular in the 1970s and Toyota continues to use it today to solve problems.

I recommend you to read the following article?5 Whys - Getting to the Root of a Problem Quickly (mindtools.com)

And to visit? Mindtools

Thanks for mentioning us (and our article) in your article, Navarro, much appreciated. I recently wrote a post about the same article. I was wondering if we could learn something from pre-schoolers: have you heard how many times they'll say "Why?" They persist - until they have an answer or until you've run out of answers! Anyway, the "5 Whys" is a great model and one we love using too. – Yolande Conradie (she-her), MT

Dr. Georg Michalik / Mr. Co-Creation

Co-Creation Expert | Organizational Psychologist | Certified CliftonStrengths Coach

1 年

Thank you Navarro Elias for opening the discussion for this important topic. Question to all of you: If we would "dare to say", if we would constantly address the elephant in the room, how would it change your individual life, our organizations and our world? Kirsten Weiskat Manuel Jork Susan Barth Günter Blickhan Beat Dobmann Dr. Stefan Wolf Margriet Bredewold David Widmer Daniela Visintin #mrcocreation #cocreation


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