Lets Talk About...
JamieConner.co.uk - Let's Talk About...

Lets Talk About...

A few years ago I had no idea what ME and Fibromyalgia were then my partner Jamie was diagnosed. After three years of learning to cope with these terrible invisible illnesses, for which there is no known cure, they are making some headway in tackling them. It is a long slow process of trial and error finding a way to have a life and to avoid the largely experimental medications that seems to cause more problems than they resolve.

This year they decided to start helping other people who are living with the growing number of invisible illnesses - either as sufferers or as carers for those who suffer. Most information on the internet about these illnesses is very dismal, offering little hope of recovery. However there are a few people finding ways to relieve the suffering and even start to bring about signs of recovery.

Jamie's blog, called "Lets Talk About...", aims to take a light hearted look at various invisible illnesses and mental health problems encouraging people to talk about their experiences and especially the positive steps they are taking towards recovery. Their hope is that reading about their real life experiences may help people to deal with their own issues more positively.

Please visit and comment - it's time to get a positive debate going about these problems.

JamieConner.co.uk - Lets Talk About...


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