Let's Talk About Process

Let's Talk About Process

Blech. Process. So boring. Who wants to talk about process? Actually, process, methodology, frameworks...they're everything.

There are very few things in your life that you truly do without any pre-ordained process of some kind. Some things feel rote and automatic, like your bedtime routine, but I bet you follow pretty much the same process every night, right?

How about more creative endeavors? Authors generally follow a certain process when writing books - starting with coming up with a concept, doing research, then outlining, writing, and editing. Dancers follow a process to learn choreography. There's a process for everything!

It's also true that some of us are more rigid than others when it comes to following predefined processes. And some tasks require more methodical approaches than others. So there's plenty of gray area in there. Data visualization is one task that doesn't really have a single "best" process to follow. But, like anything else, there are certainly tried and true approaches to do your best work.

Lesson: Data Visualization Process

In this lesson, I talk about the key types of things to focus on when developing a data visualization. The exact steps you take will vary, but there are certainly categories of actions that are almost universal.

Listen: Mico Yuk on Data Visualization Process

Hear Mico Yuk talk about her highly developed methodology for helping clients turn piles of data into compelling visual stories. Mico is really interesting to talk to about this topic because she literally sells her process - that's the primary focus of her marketing, which is rare in this industry...for now!


Ask me about virtual or in-person data storytelling and visualization training for your team

Learn more about data storytelling and visualization via my other LinkedIn Learning courses

Bill Shander you are a master at what you do. Thanks for allowing me to share my love for data storytelling with your audience. I had a blast!


