Let's Talk Policy Blog!
Title: Interlocal Agreement Between Miami-Dade County and the City of South Miami for On-Demand Transportation Services
What?: This resolution approves an Interlocal Agreement between Miami-Dade County and the City of South Miami to provide dynamically routed on-demand public transportation services. It authorizes the County Mayor or the Mayor's designee to execute and terminate the agreement.
Why?: The City of South Miami aims to enhance local mobility and connectivity by offering on-demand transit services that complement existing county bus routes. This service will increase public transit usage, reduce the need for specialized transportation services, and improve access to essential destinations within and outside the city.
What's Changing?:
This is the first transportation services interlocal agreement between DTPW and the City, establishing a model for future collaborative transit solutions within Miami-Dade County.
More details about this Miami-Dade County resolution (File Number: 240328) can be found in the following link: Legislative Matter (miamidade.gov)
Lorenzo Fuchs
P: 786-296-2284