Let’s talk about passwords!

Let’s talk about passwords!

Despite the evolution of devices and security methods for accounts and documents, passwords are the usual go to protection for Emails and documents, specially for banking related data.

For this reason, we must always keep an eye on the security of our passwords as they are essential in preventing third parties with malicious intent from accessing your private information.

Besides discussions about this topic , many people still forget the importance of setting strong passwords. First names, last names, nicknames, date of birth and simple words are common in easily hacked passwords and should be avoided.

When malicious people gain access to someones' personal data, they can easily use it to hack other accounts, and the consequences can be devastating!

Thinking about security and protection, we prepared a few steps to create, and manage, strong passwords.

1- Create long passwords with different characters:

Passwords should be easy to remember but hard to guess. With that in mind, try to use as many characters as possible, alternating between numbers, letters and special characters.

Avoid "one word" passwords like a pet's name or a place. Try something more complex, but at the same time easy to remember.

2- Avoid consecutive numbers:

Passwords normaly contain numbers, but even with them we must pay attention.

Avoid consecutive or repeated numbers in a password, or common number sequences such as "12345" or "11111". Alternating between numbers and letters is recommended.

3- Do not share personal information!

Your password is personal and should not be shared with others. Keep your passwords safe and avoid accessing to relevant accounts or documents on shared devices.

4- If it's possible, settle for the two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is an extra requirement to prove your identity and requires some information only you know, as a code sent via the mobile device.



