Let's Talk About This Pain Thing.....
John M Perez
President at Archon Energy | Helping safety and training leaders boost results through continuous improvement and benchmarking | Certified Nexans cable termination Instructor
So, here I am post operation (November 2021), the morning after my C-3 and C-4 were fused using screws and plates. After this operation, I have my cervical spine fused from C-3 to C-6. No more metal detectors for me, the knee replacement made that a "for certain". Despite the corrective surgeries, constant pain still exists in my neck and knee and is wonderful company for the pain that goes along with the peripheral neuropathy in my arms and legs. Let us not forget the knee replacement about 1 year ago....
Do I technically qualify as "permanently handicapped"? Yes. Do I claim to be? No! Every day, from the very second I awake, until I finally fall asleep, pain is a constant friend / foe I live with. There are days where it is nearly impossible to get out of bed and start moving, and there are days where it isn't so bad. I really just lie to myself and say, "It isn't too bad." on most days. The neuropathy pain goes back and forth from a constant internal burning pins and needles sensation to an icy numbness, and both are capable of deeply affecting my motor skills, occasionally making my hands seize up in painful configurations. The non-stop pain makes me tired and sometimes a bit depressed, if not angry and short tempered. I do my best to monitor my pain and the lovely effects, but at times, there's no getting around it. It just wins. In the electrical business, we are constantly exposed to EMF's at very close range. There have been some studies, some I have shared, about the effects of the up-close EMF's on Utility workers. These studies have linked depression, lethargy, and suicidal thoughts to the effects of the constant EMF exposure. I know many people, like me, who have been injured at work and also live with chronic pain. Now, to add to the pile, chronic pain also leads to thoughts of suicide, depression, and substance abuse. While this is not asking for sympathy, just pointing out some facts, I have both, and I'm not alone. The long-term effects of close proximity EMF's and chronic pain. Both are great on-ramps to substance abuse (I'm very vigilant about pain meds), depression, lethargy, and suicide. This is more prevalent in those of us over the age of 50, so I'm not the only person who suffers with the effects of both.
So, here we are in an industry where multiple people have suffered multiple injuries of varying degrees, (still get up and go to work) and the long-term effects of these injuries can be painful and depressing. I said in a podcast about a year ago, we often talk to our co-workers on the days where we can visibly see an emotional struggle, and usually offer to help or take the time to listen, but the very next day, we assume all is well and never follow up. No, that does not make us bad people or terrible friends, it's just the way the world works (sadly). That follow up can be very important. 988 or 800-273-8255 can be called for suicide prevention and someone to talk to. As a side note, I must say that I just Googled the "Suicide", and the "Suicide Squad" appeared fist in my search. That should change!
Now, I know I'm no expert on any of these subjects, but I'm acutely aware of how they affect myself and the lives of my loved ones. The clear correlation between chronic pain and EMF exposure, I believe, is something which needs be better recognized throughout the industry. That's all I got.
If you would like for me to come out and speak with your group or company in depth about these issues, please contact me at [email protected]
The opinions expressed in this article are solely mine and do not represent the opinions of Quanta Services or any of its known affiliates.
My prayer John
1 年Being there brother. Wishing you a speedy recovery
Regional Vice President at Quanta Services
1 年Hate to hear all of that John. Call when you get a minute.
Proud IBEW Local Union 9 Member
1 年Hoping for a good result sir