Let's Talk about LinkedIn!
Adrian Gentilcore
Sharing the Magic as Your Fairy Techmother | LinkedIn Optimization | WordPress Website Design | Email Newsletters and Your Fairy Debtmother | Financial Coaching | Debt Management | Feminist
LinkedIn is my happy place, so you'll forgive me if I am MYSTIFIED when I see blank profiles and people who haven't posted in six months. It's so surprising to me.
Why take the time to create a half-assed profile here and then abandon it. If you're going to create a LinkedIn profile, why not put your whole ass into it??
I keep pushing LinkedIn because compared to other platforms I've been on (I'm giving you the side eye Facebook and Instagram!), my engagement is MUCH higher and I've definitely found better luck with finding clients on LinkedIn.
What it takes to have success on LinkedIn
Surprisingly, it doesn't take a huge amount of effort to get cruising along on LinkedIn. There are 3 basic things to need to get fixed up.
1. Get your profile dialed in
One of the main things on LinkedIn is to get your profile in order. That's where I can help you out. I love doing profile makeovers and I've gotten pretty good at it. I have two versions that I offer:
The DONE WITH YOU VERSION - For this one, we have a Zoom call and look at your profile together. Then I go through in detail and explain to you what needs to be changed, and how it's going to benefit you. But..... with this version - you do all the work.
This one is $100 - you can book your session HERE.
Or you can have the DONE FOR YOU VERSION with a full-on GLAM UP:
I STRONGLY suggest the Glam Up version and here's why. I've done the consultation with a few people but then they haven't followed through to do the changes!! Yikes. So they paid me $100 to listen to me yammer on about it, and then got busy and didn't actually make any changes. No bueno.
This version is $225 by the way. Quite a bargain with all you get.
Plus, you can add in an optional package to have me do your posting for you using a scheduler. That's definitely WORTH IT because I will do all the graphics and captions and keep you active on LinkedIn with almost no effort (well, you have to send me money once a month - that's about it). Let's talk!
WHY do you need to clean up your profile. Great question, I'm glad you asked. Part of it is for the real people - you want a profile where people will understand within 3 seconds WHO you are and WHAT you're offering. Otherwise, you might get passed over.
But the other part of it and this is maybe more important - is to tickle the algorithm so it is showing your stuff to the correct audience. If you are trying to connect with left-handed Albanian banjo players, that it information LinkedIn needs to know so it can find scare some up for you. So, that brings us to Part 2:
2. You need to connect yourself with the right people
Doesn't matter if you are job hunting, or looking for clients, or just trying to get more eyeballs on your business, you need to get some PEOPLE in your pipeline. And it helps if they're the RIGHT people.
Fortunately, LinkedIn has a lot more horsepower in their search engines than Facebook or Instagram ever will. You can search by title, location, company, and a whole host of other demographics, and with Premium or Navigator, you get a whole lot more options.
So, start figuring out who is your ideal client or who are peers you'd like to connect with. Go and find them and start figuring out how you'd like to connect with them. There are 3 basic ways to Connect:
I prefer to just send a Connect request. You used to be able to send a little intro message, but over the last six months or so, they have been limiting those messages to only 5 to 15 per month for some bizarre reason. I'm hoping they'll reverse this policy in time.
Most of the time when I send a Connection request, they can see I'm a fairly normal person, we usually have some friends in common, so I have a good track record of having connection requests accepted.
3. Post and comment on LinkedIn.
The third part of a trifecta is to be active on the platform. Doesn't have to be every day - 1 to 3 times per week seems to be the norm, but even once a month would beat some folks. I post between 4 and 5 times per week, but I'm always an overachiever.
The big question is what to post. That's what people ask me, but there's so many choices.
The other part of the strategy is reading and commenting on other people's posts. I leave probably 10 comments per day, but then I'm chatty. But it's a great way to get acquainted with other people in your industry.
Don't forget my offers:
DM me and let's talk!