Let's Talk About Grief
Welcome to the Cutting Room Floor, a newsletter where I round up all my personal finance articles, put out exclusive content and interviews, and flag my favorite job listings from around LinkedIn.
Funny time to be talking about grief, I guess.
Humans grieve for a lot of things: The loss of a parent or child or friend, the breakup of a marriage, the passing of a beloved pet, or even (ahem) world events.
Whatever we are grieving for, we have to pick ourselves up and eventually get back to work. Because what other choice do we have?
But those feelings don't just magically go away. Which brings me to my topic: Grief in the workplace.
How do employees cope, when they feel like the earth has given way beneath them? How do companies deal with it, if a staffer is lost and broken and doesn't know how to go on?
The truth is we're really bad at this stuff, because we're so uncomfortable. It's the Big Terrible Thing (a phrase stolen from the subtitle of the Matthew Perry autobiography) that no one likes to talk about.
So let's talk about it.
New York Life Insurance Company , in particular, is trying to push this issue to the forefront via its foundation. They have developed modules and resources to help affected employees, their colleagues, and their companies work through periods of grief. (And they offer 15 days of bereavement leave!)
After all, it's in everyone's interest that a grieving person be supported at the most vulnerable moment in their lives. They'll remember that -- and their colleagues will see it, too.
For Reuters I give a few pointers about how employers can address this most delicate emotional issue. Special thanks go out to Rebecca Soffer , author of "The Modern Loss Handbook," and to Deborah Kearns for sharing her personal story.
Check it out here:
Advice To My Younger Self:
Asha Curran, CEO, GivingTuesday
Sometimes I like to sneak into the corner office and ask CEOs something revealing about themselves. A few weeks ago, for instance, I talked to the CEO of BILL about the first job he ever had (stock assistant in a clothing store!)
This week we have Asha Curran of GivingTuesday , whose donors gave a remarkable $3.1 billion in 2023. If she could go back in time and talk to younger Asha ... what would she say?
"The past 12 years of my career have been focused on generosity, a value inherent to every person and one that is at the very foundation of the better world we all hope for. People often think that when I talk about generosity I’m referring only to a limited pool of actions like giving to a nonprofit or volunteering at a soup kitchen. I am referring to those things in part; they are meaningful and important. But my lens on generosity is much more expansive. My belief that small acts of kindness come together to become a world changing force really means– actually requires–that generosity shows up everywhere in everything we do, and that includes your career.
"I’d tell my younger self to both offer generosity and welcome generosity as you learn, struggle, overcome challenges, and grow into the leader you want to be. You owe it to yourself to proactively build your support system and then proceed to be an active participant in it. Look for mentors, but also look for mentees. Never assume that mentorship is a one-way street and understand that one of the greatest gifts you can give and receive is a helping hand, sound advice, the simple act of listening, or a boost of confidence."
Thanks Asha for your thoughts ... and get ready for the big day, this year's Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3! Learn more about the movement here.
"This Is Your Brain On 26.2 Miles," Jere Longman & Talya Minsberg , 纽约时报
"The Wealthy Are Overpricing Their Homes," Katherine Clarke & Elizabeth Solomont , The Wall Street Journal
"What the Happy Warrior In Your Office Knows About Getting Ahead," Callum Borchers , The Wall Street Journal
As always, feel free to get in touch via Twitter/X (here), or email (christaylornyc@yahoo.com), or by DM on LinkedIn -- to suggest story ideas, or ask money questions, or hire me as a freelancer, or sponsor this newsletter, or broadcast your job opening.
Until next time!