Lets Talk Fire Safety Language.

Lets Talk Fire Safety Language.

·Air-Pressurized Water Extinguisher .A fire extinguisher filled with water and pressurized air. Air-pressurized water extinguishers are used to extinguish ordinary (Class A) fires of wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and plastics.

·  Alarm System. An audible or visual device that signals occupants to danger. Alarm systems imply an emergency procedure should be carried out.

· Audible Alarm. A sound device that alerts employees to danger and signals an emergency procedure should be followed. Audible alarms include bells, horns, sirens, and voice announcement systems.

· Automatic Sprinkler System. A network of interconnected piping and sprinklers used for controlling and extinguishing fires. Automatic sprinkler systems include a control valve and a device for actuating an alarm.

· Auxiliary Power Supply. An alternative source of energy used to power devices in case of electrical failure.

·  Back-Up Coordinator. The designated employee responsible for carrying out established emergency response procedures when the emergency response coordinator is not present.

· Carbon dioxide. A colorless, odorless, electrically nonconductive inert gas used for extinguishing fires by reducing the amount of oxygen or fuel vapor in fire.

·Carbon dioxide Extinguisher . A fire extinguisher filled with carbon dioxide under extreme pressure. Carbon dioxide extinguishers are used to extinguish flammable liquid (Class B) fires.

· Chain of Command. The sequence of individuals responsible for coordinating the work of an emergency response team. The chain of command usually includes at least a coordinator and a backup coordinator.

· Class A Fire. An ordinary combustible fire of wood, cloth, paper, rubber, or plastic. Class A fires can be extinguished with air-pressurized water extinguishers.

·Class B Fire. A flammable liquid fire of oils, grease, tar, or gas.

·Class C Fire. An electrical fire caused by live electrical equipment such as wires and overloaded outlets.

·Combustion. A rapid oxidation process that produces heat and light.

· Control Panel. A device used to monitor and integrate fire extinguishing system components. Audible and visual alarms and discharge functions are programmed from the control panel.

·Cutting. A machining process that uses a tool to create chips and remove metal from a work piece.

·Discharge Nozzle. A device designed to release an extinguishing agent at a specific rate and pattern to quickly extinguish a fire.

· Dry Chemical Extinguisher. A fire extinguisher filled with a flame-retardant powder, which separates fuel from oxygen. Dry chemical extinguishers are used to extinguish electrical (Class C) fires.

·Emergency Action Plan. A written plan detailing procedures to facilitate and organize employer and employee actions during an emergency.

· Emergency Response Coordinator. The designated employee responsible for carrying out established emergency response procedures.  

·Extinguishing Agent. A material used with fixed, automatic, or portable fire extinguishing systems to suppress or put out fires. Common extinguishing agents include water, air, carbon dioxide, and halon.

·Fire Alarm. An audible or visual device that alerts occupants to a fire emergency. Fire alarms usually signal occupants to evacuate from the building.

·Fire Detector. A device that senses smoke, heat, or flames from a fire and actuates an audible or visual alarm.

·Fire Extinguishing System. A fixed or automatic system used for controlling or putting out fires.

·Fire Prevention Plan. Proactive procedures implemented to avoid fire hazards in the workplace.

.Fixed Fire Extinguishing System. An engineered set of components that work together to detect a fire, alert occupants, and extinguish a fire.

·Flame-Retardant Powder. An extinguishing agent made to resist burning.

·Floor Plan. A diagram of a building detailing the location of primary and secondary exits, assembly points, fire extinguishing equipment, and evacuation routes.

·Grinding. The use of an abrasive to wear away at the surface of a work piece and change its shape. Grinding creates sparks, which can be a fire hazard near flammable materials.

·Halon. A colorless and odorless or faintly sweet smelling, liquefied gas used for extinguishing fires by inhibiting the chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen.

·Halotron. A vaporizing, ozone-friendly liquid extinguishing agent. Halotron requires no clean-up after the fire is out.

·Horn. A component of a fire extinguisher through which the extinguishing agent is distributed.

·Incipient Stage Fire. A fire in its beginning stage. Incipient stage fires can be controlled with portable fire extinguishers, class II standpipe systems, and small hose systems.

·Intercom. A type of phone or public announcement system used to alert employees to an emergency.

·Local Water Flow Alarm. An approved device used to detect water flow from a single sprinkler. Local water flow alarms result in an audible alarm signal.

·Manual Discharge Station. A fixed fire extinguishing device that will sound an alarm and release an extinguishing agent when the handle is pulled. Manual discharge stations are usually mounted on a wall near an emergency exit.

· Manual Pull Box Alarm. A device with a pull handle that actuates an audible alarm.

·Mono Ammonium Phosphate. A non-conductive, mildly corrosive extinguishing agent. Once the fire is out, the area must be thoroughly cleaned to avoid corrosion.

· Multi-Purpose Extinguisher .A fire extinguisher used for extinguishing Class A, B, and C fires. Multi-purpose extinguishers contain mono ammonium phosphate or halotron as the extinguishing agent.

· P.A.S.S. Technique. A common procedure for operating a fire extinguisher. P.A.S.S. is an acronym for PULL, AIM, SQUEEZE, and SWEEP.

·Personal Protective Equipment. Various safety equipment that workers wear or use to prevent injury in the workplace. Safety glasses and gloves are common personal protective equipment (PPE).

· Piping. A network of pipes designed to distribute an extinguishing agent. All fire protection systems have corrosion-resistant piping and fittings suitable for all temperatures.

· Portable Fire Extinguisher. An approved canister of high-pressure gas that forces an extinguishing agent from a main cylinder through a tube and out of a nozzle. The most common fire extinguishers are air-pressurized water extinguishers, carbon dioxide extinguishers, dry chemical extinguishers, and multi-purpose extinguishers.

·Primary Exit. The exit that employees are directed to first during an evacuation. If the primary exit is blocked, employees head toward a secondary exit.

·Proactive Fire Prevention. Measures performed on a daily basis to prevent fires from occurring in the workplace.

·Propellant. A gas kept under pressure in a container for expelling the extinguishing agent.

·Secondary Exit. The exit employees are directed to during an evacuation if the primary exit is blocked.

·Sheltering-In-Place. The term used for keeping employees inside of a room or building during an emergency. Procedures for sheltering-in-place should be followed if evacuation is not a safe option.

·Small Hose System. A hose system that can be used by employees for extinguishing incipient stage fires.

·Sodium Bicarbonate. A non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-conductive extinguishing agent.

·Standpipe System. A hose system that discharges the water for use in firefighting. Standpipe systems are rated as Class I, II, or III depending on the diameter of the hose and water flow capacity.

·Storage Container. High or low pressure cylinders or tanks that hold the fire extinguishing agent.

·Strobe Light. A high intensity flash tube that is ideal for signaling in areas where high ambient light levels make traditional rotating or flashing lights difficult to distinguish.

·The Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The conditions in working environments to ensure the health and safety of employees. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration is abbreviated as OSHA.

·Visual Alarm. A visual device that alerts employees to danger and signals an emergency procedure should be followed. Visual alarms use steady, flashing, or strobe lights.

·Welding. A joining process that uses heat, pressure, and/or chemicals to fuse two materials together permanently. Welding creates sparks, which can be a fire hazard near flammable materials. 



