Let's talk about the ‘C’ word

Let's talk about the ‘C’ word

One of the biggest challenges that comes up time and again in the coaching room is Confidence.?

Confidence that I’m on the right pathway in my career.?

Confidence that I’m making the right decisions.?

Confidence to speak up in senior meetings.?

Time and time again I see these amazing, impactful and smart leaders questioning themselves and their own capabilities.?

Have you ever felt like this that you are second-guessing yourself and your decisions?

If you have, you are not alone.

I’ve felt like this too and I dare say anyone with a human brain has also felt it. You see if the ‘monkey-mind’ goes unchecked, it can seriously sabotage our confidence and stop us growing and getting to the next level in our careers.

So, in my latest Luminous Coffee Conversation I want to ignite a conversation around why it can be so challenging to unlock our growth and the next level of our careers if we are not feeling confident in ourselves and how we can start to build back our personal confidence as a leader.?

What I want to talk about in this session?

One of the most critical starting points in this conversation is understanding more about how the mind works and how it drives both our thoughts, feelings and ultimately behaviour.?

Did you know that according to research 94% of our bodily functioning is happening in our sub-conscious. Our heart just beats, our lungs just breath and, our mind creates mental short-cuts so we don’t have to think too hard about things…it’s how we can walk in the door and suddenly wake up from ‘auto-pilot’ and not remember the drive home!?

Many of these mental shortcuts are formed at an early-age and are designed to keep us safe. Much of the language we took on when we were younger, our conditioning, came from our parents who were absolutely trying to keep us safe and alive!

If I relate this to my world, I was praised for being the quiet ‘good girl’ child number 2 in my family which means I learnt to be praised and that it was safe if I didn’t speak up (unlike my older brother who was always speaking up, arguing with authority figures and generally in my young mind, causing trouble AKA ‘not safe’). When I started to uncover some of this conditioning when I worked with my first coach, I started to realise how this has impacted my ability to grow and really step up in my (leadership) career.?

3-ways that my conditioning stunted my growth?

In my first career in advertising, I made a point of not challenging the status quo, being a ‘yes’ women and supporting for my senior leaders without much questioning, having a ‘quietly just get on with it’ attitude.

This got me so far and did lead to some success (and burn out!) but it also led to 3-things that I think stunted my growth and impacted my ability to get to the next level in my career;

  1. Terrible imposter syndrome that if I spoke up and owned my opinion it would be trouble, I would get shot down or cast out?
  2. It stopped me dreaming big and really leaning into my strengths as I went round pleasing others and meeting others needs and I lost a sense of my personal purpose?
  3. It ultimately kept me playing small and not daring to dream where I might go in my career – I was often so surprised when bosses said ‘we see you as a future leader of the business’ and I was literally shocked!?

It was like there was a widening chasm between what others thought and what I felt and thought inside about myself.? In the coaching room I refer to these forces as ‘limiting beliefs’ and they can sound something like this...;?

“Sometimes, I worry that I just don't have what it takes to be that transformative leader everyone expects me to be."?

"There's this fear that haunts me - that I'm not as competent as people think and someday, they'll discover I'm an impostor."

"Deep down, I believe that personal sacrifice is necessary for success, which means I frequently put my wellbeing on the back burner."

As a result of this chasm, I think it put me on the back foot in terms of my growth, my confidence to take risks and speak up, my confidence to dream big about the direction my career could take.?

If you have been thinking or feeling the same way, then come and join the conversation as I shine a light on why this is, what could be holding you back from growing in your career and how to build greater personal confidence so you can get to the next step in your career.?

Who should join the conversation??

Everyone frankly but if you have ever wondered why, you are not getting the results you want at work or in life, or others are getting promoted / the opportunities you are not or, you lack self-belief and confidence in yourself that you can take that step up in your career, then boy is this conversation going to be helpful for you!?

What we will be covering...?

Join me and a group of wonderful senior managers and leaders who follow our work as we dive deep into a conversation on;?

How to unlock the next level of growth in your career:?

  • Why it can be difficult to build personal confidence in the current leadership environment ?
  • What limiting beliefs and how they lead to imposter syndrome?
  • What imposter syndrome is and how it can stunt our growth and keep us playing small. ?
  • How to expose the beliefs that are holding us back from growing?
  • The number one tool I work with clients on to start ‘re-programming’ our beliefs so it can unlock new levels of growth and confidence

I'll be your host for this enlightening session, sharing insights and key tools I've gained through working with 100s of?leaders to build their confidence and reach that next step in their leadership and executive careers.?

However, what truly makes this event special is the collective wisdom and questions that our participants bring to the table – so please come armed with any of your burning questions...??

When: Join me, 3rd May 8:30 to 9:30 am AEST. ?

Grab your favourite cuppa?and join us live on Zoom as we embark on this much needed conversation together. ??

To grab one of the remaining?spots and ensure you don't miss out, RSVP here. ??

Feel free to share this invite with your network; the more diverse perspectives we have, the richer the conversation will be!??


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