Let’s stop serving plastic bottles
Water is a basic human need. We cant go without it for more than a couple of days. Our bodies are over 60% water. Humankind needs to ensure that there is sustenance for survival.
Bottled water is perhaps one of the greatest marketing gimmick ever. Companies are able to sell material that costs less than 10% of the sale value through the power of marketing and distribution. Water companies compete to create brands. They attract through smart strategies by using attractive terms that allure us such as ‘spring water’, ‘bottled at source’, ‘pure for sure’ etc. There is so much of the budget that goes into advertising. We create desire. Companies focus a lot on creating the right feel for the senses so that we are attracted to use their products.
There are more premium waters that are sold at even higher prices with claims of them being purer. They come up with even fancier bottles and positioning. They would make themselves available in fancier outlets and work towards appearing more premium.
The process for bottled water is rather standard where a reverse osmosis system is used to clear the water of all impurities and minerals and then certain minerals are reintroduced. A lot of the bottled water is deprived of the essential minerals we may need and we are definitely better off drinking water from more basic filters that are only removing impurities.
We are completely surrounded by bottled water. This change has occurred only in the last 20 years. I find that most of us either dont think at all before consuming the stuff or are aware but consume it for convenience sake. Most of us are risk averse and this is the least risky option. I see people insist on bottled water even if a perfectly safe filter option is available as there is a certainty that a branded products is less likely to harm. It also suits the servicing entity as the risk of failure is taken off their back. If a person was to fall sick it would be because of a different entity now.
It is of course super convenient to not have to carry water and purchase the same as and when needed. The distribution system for bottles is so strong that it is available in the smallest of places.
We are also informed that plastic bottles are either recyclable or can be converted to poly fibre and hence feel better about disposal. However we really need to become aware of the facts.
- Less that 10% of the bottles are actually collected and recycled
- It takes 3 litres of water to produce a litre of drinking water the remainder is disposed
- We spend huge amounts of fuel in transportation and distribution of water
- The bottles are exposed to the elements and leech out harmful substances into the water which we end up consuming
- There are possibilities of re-use of the bottles and availability of spurious, untreated water
I am baffled and amazed when I see huge aims by hotels and restaurants that they are focusing on becoming more ‘earth friendly’ and then find, amongst other things, bottled water being promoted. This is particularly unsettling because these are controlled areas and we can actually do better. Proper filtration and service can ensure that we do good in various ways.
I do see feeble attempts towards shifting from bottled water and feel that we need to get bolder and make a stronger statement to ensure that there is a change that comes about. The following are some recommendations that may help.
- Install filters in strategic locations and make them visible: We need to ensure that water is available as and when needed. So perhaps in hotels filters are needed on every floor. We need to ensure that they are visible and maintained well.
- Use smart promotion: Let us work towards the consumer realising the contribution that they are making by choosing to use filters instead of water bottles. We need to harp on the same.
- Go back to jugs for water in the rooms: We grew up with large steel jugs for water storage in the rooms and we need to go back to same. There is no need to have ‘complimentary bottles’. Water can be complimentary all the time!
- Ensure that we dont use standard RO systems as filters: RO systems waste 3 times the water the purify and also remove essential minerals that are necessary for the body. We need to find good activated carbon filters instead.
- Give customers the option: Most customers would switch to filtered water if availability is ensured and they are made to feel safe. There will be some who may still prefer bottled water. They should have to pay for it and it should be at a premium.
There are various benefits that would be derived by the serving entity through switching from bottled water.
- Cost: Bottled water costs. A good filtration system is a one time costs and the benefits would be much longer. The pay back will be less than a year for any decent sized hotel or restaurant.
- Brand creation: The consumer is much more aware today and appreciates service providers who take a stand. People realise and want sustainability.
- Space: The cartons of bottled water take precious space. This gets freed up.
- Handling time: We need to handle cartons. People have to bill, receive, move, stock, distribute, collect. All this hassle is significantly reduced.
- Disposal hassle: We have to handle large amounts of trash and when we see the trash bags we find that bulk of them is empty bottles. This huge hassle is removed when we switch. The quantum of trash goes down significantly.
- Carbon footprint: We significantly reduce our impact through this one action. We are no longer the cause of production energy, transportation, stocking, movement and disposal cycle resulting in significant amount of impact.
- Health: We drink and provide a much better alternative. Water needs to retain essential minerals and ‘mineral water’ does not. When we install the right filter we gift ourselves and those we serve with better health.
We can think of various other reasons why the choice for removal of bottled water is the wise one. It is essential to Choose the Right. And in this case it is absolutely 100% clear that there is no reason to be serving bottled water apart from the hype that has been created.
Let us make a wise choice and eliminate bottled water from all establishments. I am sure that the authorities and government will also align in order to take this really important and easy step towards reducing our impact on our beautiful planet.
Look forward to this becoming a reality within this year.
Bang on Ved We have substantially cut down buying plastic water bottles and mostly fill from home My youngest one is very passionate about it and keeps a watchful eye on any of us buying a plastic water bottle At hotels we just ask them to serve regular water which most of them serve
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5 年Key to all of this would be (1) Govt/ Municipal corps.. certifying that the water is 'pure' and 'potable'. (2) Sense of hygiene in storage at institutions. For example I am aware that there are scores of RO/ Water Purifiers install base which are most unhygienic since they are never serviced. The impurity is not the process of purifying (RO vs Carbon Filter) but all the hardware which is never serviced/ cleaned?