Let's start thinking about interviews differently!
Network Marketing - Marketing Recruitment
Talent Specialists in Marketing & Digital Across the North of England
Interviews. Is it time we think about them differently? Some people get so nervous before interviews that it hampers them from being themselves. As interviewers we’re partly responsible for this. Empathy is the key word. At all times ask yourself how you would feel it you were on the other side of the table (or screen in today’s virtual world).
There are the obvious little things we can do like small talk. Help to put the interviewee at easy by talking about the weather, their journey, their day, whatever! Just make them feel like a human being. Then tell them the aim of the interview and the format, and give them permission to ask questions and to ask for clarification if they need a question repeating or wording differently. It amazes me how many candidates wouldn’t dream to ask this in an interview. Why not? If you’re unsure as to what the interviewer wants, ask them!
I like to think of interviews more like meetings and I often encourage candidates to do the same. It’s a two way meeting where they want to know about you, and you want to know about them. You’re both equals (that’s the important part which some people forget) so feel free to take notes, bring in the job description with you or scribbles around what you’ve prepared to discuss. Whatever you need to help you give the best account of yourself. It’s not a memory test, so why wouldn’t you take notes with you if it made you feel more comfortable? I bet the interviewer has a notepad!
Interviewers, if you’re taking your time out of a busy day to interview someone make sure you give them the chance to shine and help them to do so - otherwise your wasting everyone’s time. Your aim should be for them to do well and to see them succeed, if not why are you interviewing them? Yes of course you need to assess their suitability, but you shouldn’t be there trying to trip them up.
Candidates, you’re valuable. Don’t ever forget that. It doesn’t mean that you can be over confident, cocky, or go in making demands. Not at all and I wouldn’t employ you or put you in front of one of my clients if you did! What it means is don’t be too scared, embarrassed or worried to speak up about what you would like to get out of the interview. Ask questions, tell them if you feel nervous, speak up if you need more information to be able to give a gold star answer. Don’t become an interview robot as nobody wants to employ a robot (well most don’t), they want YOU!
And if you need any additional support please don't hesitate to contact me, Nadia Hemmings at [email protected]