Let's start counting our wins

Let's start counting our wins

2024 was a very interesting year. The ups and downs were so many it was like I was on a see-saw at a playground. In as much as the year wasn't stable at all I learned a lot! My newfound knowledge is mostly from the mistakes I made in 2024 and many years before. You see, throughout the year I was challenged in so many ways I can't even keep count. From issues with the staff of my business to health problems to bad financial decisions. The list is extremely long. The economic situation in Ghana and all over the world just added more fuel to my flames. But in between all these wahala were amazing victories and breakthroughs! So I started 2025 by counting my blessings.

It was a smile-upon-smile affair when I started listing the things that went well for me in 2024. Some of them I had long forgotten. I guess it's human nature to forget the good things immediately when bad things come. This year I hope to be more mindful. I will acknowledge and celebrate my wins the same way I brood and worry about my losses. We are going boot for the boot! It's also easier to get over a bad situation when you know that a good thing is right around the corner. Just think about it, will you be very upset if your plate of food falls when you know you will be attending a party later in the night? Probably not. Chances are you may appreciate the extra space in your stomach when you see the party food!

I remember a very interesting line from the drama series, Downton Abbey which says, “All life is a series of problems which we must try and solve.” So once we are alive we will face challenges and the more prepared you are for them the better. This year I'm improving my awareness, preparing myself and also celebrating all my successes so help me God. If this isn't a banging New Year resolution, I don't know what else is. Happy New Year!


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