Let's Start With Agreement

Let's Start With Agreement

Let’s start with total agreement!

·      Most people won’t kill you

·      Most people will feed you if you are hungry and have food to spare

·      Most days are sunny

·      Most flowers smell good

·      Most people laugh everyday

·      Most people cough everyday without infecting the planet with disease

If you are not following my awesome and humble wisdom of shutting off all news of the day. Then at least remember that you happen to live in a time in history where humans have much better than bad.

And if that doesn’t work, you can always listen to some ELVIS!

As bad as things can possibly get in your life…You Still Have ELVIS!

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Another thing we can agree on!

Go Get Em TODAY!

The Deej

Thanks so much for the posting. I believe that your attitude determines your altitude and it's not what you have or what cards you've been dealt but what you do with what you have that counts. Thank you.

Marwan Killu

??Creator of the 90 Day Metabolic Meltdown Method I help men over 35 shred 20+lbs of belly fat look good naked without giving up ?? or ??Online Stubborn Fat Loss???Coach??DM me RESULTS for casual chat about your goals.

4 年

Not sure most days are "sunny" though! Clearly I am in the wrong country!


Dan Jourdan - Sales Consulting的更多文章

