Let's simplify the concept of block storage and object storage (GCP)
Block Storage: Building Blocks of Data
Imagine data as building blocks. Block storage organizes these blocks into fixed-size chunks, typically 4KB in size. These blocks can be directly accessed by applications or databases. It's like having a set of uniform-sized boxes where data can be stored.
Object Storage: A Digital Warehouse
Now, picture object storage as a vast warehouse. Instead of boxes, it stores data as objects. Each object can be large, like entire files or documents. However, to access these objects, you need to use special instructions (protocols) like HTTP.
In summary, block storage is like neatly organized boxes in a closet, quickly accessible and available even after you've closed the closet door. Object storage, on the other hand, is like items stored in a vast warehouse, where you need specific instructions (like HTTP) to find and retrieve what you need, and it might take a bit longer. Both have their unique uses in the digital world!