Let's share the mess whilst we're in it.
Peta Serras
Entrepreneur for 16 years | Founder of Give Good Email? | Host of The Business Fondle podcast | Mentor for Entrepreneurs | Speaker | Full time Professional Babe ??
The month started with a bang — my membership launched. Something I’d wanted to do for the longest time and finally had put it into action... all because of my finances. Yep. It probably would still be on the to-do list if things were going smoothly for me $$ wise.
But I actually don’t want to talk about my wins, I want to get vulnerable with you.
October saw me having a very private breakdown, seeing a psychologist weekly and leaning on many people in my life for emotional support. If you’ve ever been bullied you know how it affects you. Well, I was dealing with that x100. I actually couldn’t escape the hate what was being thrown at me.
I had to cut so much out of my life. You know how people say, “my cup is full!”, well, it’s like someone threw mine out the window, shattering it on the ground and I was forced to carry everything with my fingertips. I think at the time the only thing I could carry was myself. So I resigned from my jobs I was doing at the time.
Not the smartest I’ve ever made, but when you’re at breaking point and in survival mode you will do what you can for your current self, with no regard to your future self (that’s okay).
So here I was, in January having to jump out of the plane and forced to build my parachute on the way down with things I was collecting out of the air. That meant working through discomfort. That meant building my membership and releasing this content when I felt like a major fraud.
It also meant doing it all and applying for jobs at the same time. It meant sending out sales emails whilst on the phone to recruiters. I think I applied for almost 80 jobs? And I’m yet to get an interview ??
That’s the whole reason I started flipping stuff. It’s why I’m so fucking creative with finding ways to get cash. It’s also the reason I reached out to peeps saying, “hey, I write something for you?” I have no backup plan.
It’s so not a sexy start-up situation. But it is sooooo common! And it’s also the story people share when they’re hitting six/seven figures an inspirational piece for the audience. It’s the story that comes out ONCE people have hit success.
No one ever shares the shit whilst it’s happening. Except me ??
I could talk about the incredible highlights but you’ll get to see them with launch 2.0 in the Membership. But I thought it was important to share what I was working through every single day this month because working through this will be the reason I will be successful.
I also know one day I’ll be presenting keynotes for all the companies who didn’t even give me resume a second look ?? (if there's any energy you need to bring in 2020 it's that. Keep hustling)
I’m sharing this because I want to fuck this belief off that there are only a select number of people who can do well and you need to wait until you’re tapped on the shoulder with someone going, “okay, it’s your turn now”
Business success has never been like that for me.
My feet are calloused chasing after everything I have ever wanted. And I’m sharing this so you can look at your situation and mine, and see if this little Maitland chick can do it, you can do it too.