Let's be serious. Let's create some REAL CHANGE in this world.
Here we are on LinkedIn. Me. You. Them. A select group of motivated individuals wanting to make a difference in their business, be it individual promotion or company. We all want to make something happen for us in one way or another and we log into this site hoping that we will find that ONE connection that will be THE connection to help us further our business on this planet to a new level.
My "network" here on LinkedIn has over 6,000 connections. I have worked diligently for a few years adding key people that I think are currently making a difference, have potential to make a difference, or are really wanting to make a difference in this world but just need a boost. I started my company, Revvolution, in June of 2011 with two partners who are no longer a part of the vision of this company.
It happens.
Time. Money. Work ethic. Distractions. We all know the killers of a business before it launches. They all happened with ours. It's been 5 years now and the effort is still in the mix of compiling information, creating new groups and connections, building new relationships and hoping to put them together and create something amazing.
Revvolution is just that. A revolution within this place we call Earth, and hoping to take small parts of everything we do and work toward, bringing people who have knowledge and can make a difference together by creating a global brand that makes a change and difference within those categories helping the small guy at the bottom and working with those at the top to create a world where everything comes together making this place we call home a much better place to live, thrive and experience.
How do I see this happening? I want to tell you in an elevator pitch but it just isn't possible. Too much to tell and too much to take in. So let me break this down just a little and hopefully you can see where I am going with it...
RevvoWorld. Our new Social Media site with aspects of all Social Media wrapped into it. A site where you can post, reveal, debut and otherwise flaunt your life to everyone in the world, or to a select few. Personal profiles and content you choose. None of the garbage like you see out there now. But we wont get into that right now.
But let's keep this going. RevvoWorld has over 18 divisions within it's "umbrella" that we are involved in, getting involved in, or have aspirations of being involved in.
Take a look at the photo. Social media, Modeling, Auto Racing, Motocross, Extreme Sports, Event Production including major venue concerts and major venue extreme sports, a magazine publication in hard and digital form, NASCAR, plus other ventures we add along the way. This is just a brief tip of the iceberg. We want to have our fingers into everything and then jump in head first and bring a change to everything in this world.
This is why connections here on LinkedIn can benefit.
I think you fit within what we are intending to do, and by being here, you can tap into what we are doing...reach a new market of customers. Promoting your company, and ours in ways you never knew existed to people from all walks of life from all over the world.
That's the nutshell explanation. You know it will work. You know it has potential. You know where this is headed. Just one thing is needed.
I'm looking for the best in ALL fields related to what we are doing. Marketing. Advertising. Video Production. Travel. Automotive. Management. Motor Sports. Race Car Drivers. Motorcycle Racers. Event Specialists. Printing specialists. T-shirt Production. Bikini Production. Jet Services. Energy Drink suppliers. Fair and Festival promoters. Rig Drivers. Mechanics. Website Designers. Hairstylists. Makeup Artists. Script Writers. Drone Pilots. Personal Chefs. Concierges.
The list continues forever because this is a true Revvolution within this world. Some may promise CHANGE. We are making it happen.
I want to hear from you. Tell me what your vision is. Lets create and build a network of true entrepreneurs joining together and creating a force that cannot be reckoned with. A TEAM of players who came to win. Yes...I am talking to you. I don't care if your name is Sir Richard Branson or Joe Somebody. You have value and we can make something amazing happen by putting our heads together.
My email is [email protected]. Let me know if you have something to bring to our global table. Let's put our heads together with the heads of all of those who join us and create a new world. A RevvoWorld.