Let's Run...
adam reiter
The Candidate Operating System. Looking for the 1 BIG partnership to help Executive Candidates explode!
The Annual Resume Marathon is near: Friday at 8 AM PT
You don't need to spend the bucks for a winning resume and you shouldn't
The CandidateOps Team is taking the reins of this newsletter for a little November surprise. It’s Resume Marathon time!
A resume for a busy and agitated leader is a different format, faster and stickier.? It is a document that details education, how you teach leaders to want more.? Why would you hand that job to a $300 “Professional Resume Writer?”
They don’t know you and haven’t been sitting with you while you dunked on your competition.? They don’t know the drool-worthy things you have done that made your boss try to take credit for it. They don’t know why a busy and agitated leader would pull the trigger on you.? But we do.
Twice a year, we offer a resume-focused event.? First, we offer a slow and methodical Resume Workshop.? Later in the year, like right now, we offer a maniacal training where Adam (Resume Ripper In Chief) rips as many resumes as he can as a teaching platform.? We hear that this is everyone’s favorite event of the year.
Whether you are a donor and want your resume ripped ever so gently or you want to watch the show, this will be the best 26.2 minutes you will have this week.? Promise.
Are you brave enough to have your resume ripped?
Send your resume as an InMail to the Master Resume Ripper:
Or just book a seat and watch the show!
Event link: https://my.demio.com/ref/lSHBMhv4c7lI7by8
See you soon!
The CandidateOps Team
PS Be a good pal, invite a friend!