Let's Review: "Impact of workplace spirituality on job satisfaction: Mediating effect of trust"?, co-authored back in 2016
Image Ref: Taylor & Francis | Cogent Buiness and Management

Let's Review: "Impact of workplace spirituality on job satisfaction: Mediating effect of trust", co-authored back in 2016

Workplace spirituality is a renowned topic now-a-days and is gaining gratitude and value among academicians and industrial people. Workplace spirituality (WPS) aims at meaningful work, sense of community, and value of organization. The purpose of the present study is to examine the relationship between workplace spirituality dimensions and work satisfaction by taking trust as a mediator. Using convenience sampling, a five-point Likert scale questionnaire is used to get data from teachers working in the education sector. Two hundred questionnaires were rotated in universities and 174 responses were generated. Multiple regression is used to test the hypotheses of the study using Barron and Kenny’s method. The results showed that WPS has a significantly positive relationship with trust and trust significantly mediates the impact of workplace spirituality on job satisfaction. In future, new dimensions should be added to workplace spirituality. New moderators should be checked along with the mediator. Creativity in the form of improved communication among the teachers can be generated with the help of the promotion of workplace spirituality. The findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between WPS and job satisfaction and trust between employees would mediate the interaction of WPS and job satisfaction as the?p-values are less than .05.

Keywords:?workplace spirituality , spirituality , meaningful work , trust , job satisfaction

For access to the original publication visit: https://bit.ly/3e3rH7U

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Following will be the hypotheses based on the above framework, which are as follows:

  1. H1: Workplace spirituality dimensions have a positive impact on job satisfaction.
  2. H2: Workplace spirituality dimensions have a positive and significant impact on trust.
  3. H3: Trust has a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction.
  4. H4: Trust has a positive mediating impact between the relationship of workplace spirituality and job satisfaction.


Spirituality in workplace will enable workers to embed in their work and let them interact with others, which comes up with the prosperity both for the employees and for the organization (Elmes & Smith,?2001 ; Lewin & Regine,?2000 ). Hence, organizations, whether they are public or private, or surviving and competing in the twenty-first century, should enhance and compute WSP on a regular basis (Marques,?2005 ).

(Milliman et al.,?2003 ) explored that by providing the workers with the explicit direction will lead them to be more creative. Due to the presence of a positive impact of WPS on job satisfaction through trust, providing the faculty members better ways in which to communicate and interact will improve communication and make them good at their integrity, honesty, and trust.

Educational sector must go for the initiation of workplace spirituality, for the production of meaningful work, by integrating its values according to the individual’s values, and by making itself more responsible for community. It will lead them to create a trusting environment, where people will not only start to depend on each other but also rely on their company. Spiritual workplace having meaningful workplace will help in considering peers’ well-being, through realizing that employee’s life is not only restricted to office life.

WPS is important for every company; it is not only mandatory to the educational sector because now it is the era of spirituality in the working environment. Hence, on a continual basis, organizations must focus on workplace spirituality for leading trust and job satisfaction in the company.


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