Let's REALLY Protect our Kids - Consistent Causes: The Agenda That Encourages Mass Shootings AND Tyranny
Let's Make Our Kids REALLY Safe! - Consistent Causes: The Agenda That Encourages Mass Shootings & Tyranny
The most visible entities of life today, government, and major media, immediately focus on firearms before the blood congeals in every new domestic tragedy. Sadly, many Americans have had their minds pre-conditioned in public schools and by media to accept without question, whatever these “authorities” present.
Focusing exclusively on PRIVATE ownership and control of firearms, they specifically propose curtailment, or abolition of a God-given, and Constitutionally guaranteed right, ostensibly “for the public safety.”
Emotionally triggered manipulations of the unconscious mind, of which the target victims are generally unaware, these very consistent - and effective - “loop recordings” all echo the same thing. They project the growing problems of crime, murders, mass shootings, and other violence as directly attributable to the sheer presence of guns.
Somehow, availability of these inanimate objects directly causes the perpetrators to become criminally insane, to become oblivious to their carnage, insensitive to the pain and destruction, and directly causes them to plot for days, weeks, months, or years. Cause and effect. They accumulate massive amounts of weapons and ammunition, and then as a result, commit these acts.
What strange power these objects of metal, wood, and plastic hold in this scenario. Truth and fact show that a firearm is no more dangerous without a human being to operate it than a car or a chainsaw in the garage, a knife, or a box cutter in a drawer, or a bit of diesel oil and some fertilizer in a barn.
Fact? Yes, fact: not one unaccompanied/unassisted firearm has EVER COMMITTED A CRIME OR MURDER. Yet these “authorities” habitually claim that the object is making the people plot and commit horrendous crimes of mass murder, etc.
That’s the argument.
In our K-12 school, FreedomProject Academy (FPEUSA.org) we teach logic.
We also teach philosophy, and we pride ourselves as an educational organization, on “Teaching Children HOW to Think, Not WHAT to Think.” In fact, that’s our motto.
And yes, we are concerned for the safety of our 600+ students. This is why they are all taught at home, under the supervision and control of parents, and not in a federally required “gun free zone” that isn’t.
The clamor for more and stronger gun control as a cure for mass murder, should be subjected to the light of sheer logic. Our students are familiar with this process, no longer taught in public schools, and are also familiar with biblical Christian morals, which we also teach, and which are also no longer allowed in public schools. Both disciplines shine a very bright light directly on the facts, draw logical conclusions, and stand in stark contradiction to such contentions.
Immediately, and most simply, please consider the presence of around 170,000,000 known and legal firearms in America. By this liberal “logic,” of the media and Mr. Obama, this fact would have put the entire population of America in body bags long, long ago. Instead, real issues like self-inflicted and illegal drug addiction is an enormously much more fatal and damaging national problem. And of course, those drugs are, well, already long illegal.
Upon more thought, - and using more logic - the average gun show with it’s hundreds, thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of “uncontrolled private firearms” - and much ammunition - would consistently be a scene of massive carnage.
Conversely, and logically, there is not even one such incident at such a place that a Google search can dredge up with a careful search.
The very logical first conclusion regarding that specious argument, is that it cannot possibly be true. Guns don’t cause killing. And they cannot accomplish that on their own, it takes people.
Secondarily, the presence of such a number of firearms, in addition to the many tens of millions of unknown, unregistered, unlicensed firearms, would have reduced the entire population to a mass of slavering, deadly, mindless zombies, long ago ready to commit mass murder.
We would all be walking around on the verge of doing something like the Islamist Jihadists, or the Oregon school shooter, or would have become a Ted Bundy clone.
But it simply hasn’t happened. Most of us are still fairly rational… except perhaps for a large majority of democrats and the totality of socialists I suppose.
And then there are the millions of knives, millions of box cutters, billions of gallons of diesel and billions of pounds of fertilizer lying around. The argument about guns… the physical presence of a weapon causing violent behavior… would logically conclude that all these OTHER inanimate objects, clearly used in the most numerically horrendous and damaging such crimes on record would surely have also turned us all into mass murderers or Jihadists by now.
But oddly, these other tools of terrorists and real and would-be mass murderers, despite their effectiveness in application, are never mentioned in the same way. Perhaps because logic dictates that they don’t pose a threat either, without the prior motivation to use them in an evil fashion.
It seems the second consistent conclusion here is that the firearms are unique in that they are the only target of government and media.
Just possibly because they alone pose a substantial threat to budding totalitarians when they are numerous in private citizens hands.
Recent developments in the Middle East are further evidence. These recent horrendous crimes against humanity in that region are strangely un-lamented, and rarely dwelt upon in similar fashion by major media or government in America. Have you heard of any massive outcry against arms in the hands of ISIS or Hamas, or the PLO? Hardly. Actually, your tax dollars are buying them more.
Perhaps this is because disarming the enemies of America and Christianity doesn’t help the anti-gun agenda of media and government in the US. To talk about firearms in Jihadist hands, or the role of Hillary Clinton and Obama in placing them there is also perhaps a non-issue, because there is a bit of an oxymoron involved that may embarrass and expose them.
You see, media and government today definitely do NOT want to disarm the perpetrators at ISIS, or among the dozens of similar terrorist groups like Hamas, or the PLO. Particularly after having armed them in the first place, with many weapons which are denied to Americans. Oh, and all on the tax tab of these same Americans. Talk about an oxymoron.
Or perhaps because the victims in the Middle East are primarily Christians. You know, those people the same powers that be have declared the enemy. The ones who clearly are presumed to have no rights. Christians are those creatures who believe in God, and the Bible, and upon whom “open season” has been declared by our government, media, and courts.
Perhaps that’s the logical difference?
Also, and equal logically, perhaps because the perpetrators in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran are among the small group of “protected species,” i.e.: Muslims, leftists, and criminals or leftists or revolutionaries of color.
And of course, we all know that Conservatives of color or Christians of color need not apply for such protected status. You don’t qualify.
Even more ironically the mass be-headings and murders by US taxpayer-supplied “insurgents” in the Middle East are quickly becoming the new record-holders for brutality and numeric slaughter. Yet most of the after-battle carnage is done with knives and swords of various kinds after the gunfire has abated. Another defeat for the liberal logic.
So, how do we connect these religiously, philosophically, racially, and geographically diverse happenings? Where do Jihad, mass school shootings, gun control, government, rioting, crime, and media intersect? Logic demands examination of principles, patterns, and consistent evidence.
Even a cursory examination of all these situations shows that the perpetrators themselves, and their crimes, have many very striking, and puzzling similarities.
Here are just a few:
1. The perpetrators all exhibit some form or mixture of Marxist, Communist, Leftist, Humanist, Satanist, Occult, Muslim Extremist/Terrorist/Jihadist, habitual criminal, or other non-Biblical non-Christian fanaticism. Motivations are important… and consistent. Have you heard any news of Christians beheading Muslims lately? Mass murders of children at schools by Christians? School shootings by devout Christians? A wave of Biblical Jihad?
Whether groups or individuals, if you scratch the history or social media record of those who do commit such crimes, you quickly find one or more evidences of the first group of belief systems above. To simplify it for the neophyte, it’s basically now the Christians vs the “ABC” religions… or “Anything BUT Christians.”
Virtually every mass shooter has been a registered habitual democrat. Sorry Dems, the voter registrations are the proof, the source of logic, not my opinion. Check them. There may be a conservative or two, but as you’re fond of saying, the Majority rules, right?
If any of these killers show any hint of conservatism, or supposed “Christian” or republican trappings, a closer examination usually easily exposes it as an intentional misdirection, a blind or twisted misrepresentation. Rarely recent, there is often some church affiliation, but it is usually an affiliation abandoned under a conversion to liberalism, and is always functionally a long past association. Membership in a cult, is far from true mainstream Biblical Christian belief and practice.
2. The crimes, particularly the worst of them, almost always happen in “gun free zones,” the supposed solution or protection from such crimes.
If not, such a person who attempts this kind of thing where guns are prevalent, is nearly always very quickly dealt with by either armed citizens, armed security, armed military, or armed law enforcement.
Loss of life in NON Gun Free Zones, is virtually always very minimal, comparatively, and ends with the perpetrator among the small number of the dead or wounded, and often NOT by his own hand, and in his own timing.
This is true of large areas like Palestine, Israel, non-conquered Middle Eastern nations and areas where ISIS has not already been placed or allowed to become firmly in charge. Unarmed police like in France and England, are often victims, armed police, heroes. The same is true of domestic places where there are ARMED soldiers, security, police, etc. Contrast this even with trained soldiers and former soldiers who have been slaughtered in “Gun Free Zones,” with guns.
The situations with large numbers of victims, the situations that Obama and other supposed “gun haters” salivate over and immediately latch on to for their agenda, are ALWAYS in gun free zones. Check the locations: schools, businesses, federal or other government buildings where normal citizens are generally prohibited from defending themselves by bearing arms.
The same is true of cities or areas of other nations that are governmental “Gun Free Zones” or are already conquered and the populace is at the mercy of one or more of the ARMED fanatical groups described above.
3. The perpetrators themselves, despite their frenetic and dangerous mental condition(s) and possible chemical euphoria biologically induced, are nearly always cowards who choose those places where they are unlikely to have any effective opposition. They want to die quickly, painlessly, and on their own schedule. Does the term “suicide bomber” come to mind?
Further proof is the consistent pattern that when any real threat to THEMSELVES, shows up in “Gun Free Zones” - the police, armed individual-, these types nearly always swiftly choose suicide rather than allowing anyone else the opportunity to hurt or kill them outside of their own warped will and timing.
4. Many are actually physically habitually “drugged” by the chemical / mental effects of fanaticism. They “juice” themselves with adrenaline, in such cases as the Jihadist, suicide bomber, or the zealot of any kind who has none of the normal restraints of biblical morality.
Many others, most in fact, are even more dangerously drugged. Most have a history of long-term exposure to, “treatment” and/or addiction to various prescribed psycho-tropic drugs.
Myriad versions of these powerful mind-altering substances are doled out today so freely that there are literally MILLIONS of potential human time bombs. Notably most start this “treatment” under government programs or encouragement, on FDA approved mind-altering drugs.
Facilities like schools or Veterans hospitals are where millions of Americans have had their minds severely altered by prescriptions to strong drugs that mess with reason, logic, and conscience. The most common advocates are an unholy alliance of highly paid Freudian psychologists, “Big Pharma”, (the high profit, low morals drug companies), and various government programs and systems at many levels.
More on this: https://truthinmedia.com/reality-che...
5. There is a consistent history of dependence on parents or government “systems.” Go and study the backgrounds, lives and events of these killers, particularly just prior to their acts. Quite often you will see this pattern eerily played out time after time after time.
The “set-up,” or primary problem is the long conditioning separating them from the Creator, from God, transference of that natural dependence on our Creator to some external entity destined to eventually fail them. Often causation is traceable to the severe social engineering of schools, impact of the animalistic environment there, or “marination” in media, entertainment, and government “self-esteem” programs. Frighteningly often, the trigger event is simply some perception that the “system” that has entrapped them isn't working or didn’t give them exactly the physical or emotional or sexual “fix” that they desired. Diatribes of these folks on social media and in letters left behind consistently blame everyone and everything else for their “victim” status.
6. Consistent aberrant, liberal political and anti-social personal views.
Virtually every mass shooting has been the perpetrated by people who are:
A: Liberal / socialist (despite their occasional public pronouncements, which usually prove to be a sham under examination),
B: Have a history rife with the occult, goth, satanism,
C. If not on mind-numbing psychotropic drugs, then habitual players of mind-numbing, violent, first person shooter games that sear the conscience and legitimize mass killing for little or no reason,
D: Have a history of dependence on government, or parents or systems devoid of self-reliance, causing them to feel abandoned or betrayed by "the world" or any status quo, as soon as one trigger incident happens. These have included withdrawal or limiting monetary support, interrupted drug supply, a humanistic/animalistic desire not externally and automatically fulfilled... sex, withdrawal of affection of a partner.
This was the case in the closest case in proximity to us, in Neenah, WI when a Police Science student at a local Junior College was rejected by his fiance’. He picked up a gun and shot children, a woman, two men, and then himself. A “Ritalin” poster child, on public aid and with a history of chronic dependence, all it took was one event.
7. Whatever the warped and twisted “motives,” the illnesses or mental confusion or deficiency of the perpetrator, their acts are encouraged by the relative safety… for them… of government mandated “Gun Free Zones.”
Their actions are masked temporarily by those “safe zones” allowing them to act out their fantasies securely.
These very places are engineered by the very advocates of civilian disarmament, the leftist media and totalitarians in government.
Obviously, this has had the effect, if not the intent, of furthering their agenda.
These zones have become “Mass Murderer Safe Zones,” at least for long enough that the carnage is maximized, and make the potential for these acts much higher, and the potential toll in each instance much higher, exponentially.
Americans have systematically had their minds "switched off" by public school social engineering.
The methodology of dependence, the consistent conditioning of obedience to illegitimate authority, elimination of logical and historical teaching, have all been created and implemented by the humanists and the Marxists controlling education.
Much current governmental policy has been implemented by these same Internationalists who have virtually won the war of governmental control, and desire the complete disarmament of civilians to consolidate their control and power.
For those who question, resist, or simply refuse to stop thinking independently, these substantial forces often prescribe Ritalin or other drugs for students or youth, while adults are demonized in the media, harassed by government agents, or find themselves ostracized by a conditioned, deluded, and blind public.
It’s time to reinstate logic and reason and restore the foundations of Christian thought, practice, society and education in America, not for Christians, for every human being.
It’s time to free the American people to defend themselves from a massive monster created by the very people who continually make the situation worse.
Abolish the so called, “Gun Free Zones” and stop or at least reduce the carnage by allowing self defense.
Failure to do so and quickly will exacerbate the problem, and ultimately the path we are on will not only cost many more lives in the short term, it will spell the death of liberty and reason in America and the world. The carnage that always follows upon total government will make school shootings pale in comparison