"Let's Put Away the Scissors: 'Tall Poppy Syndrome'? in the Context of 21st Century D&I"?
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"Let's Put Away the Scissors: 'Tall Poppy Syndrome' in the Context of 21st Century D&I"

With today being "National Employee Appreciation Day" and March being "Women's History Month," we are all likely see images of historically brave women peppering our media like Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, but what about the courageous women we work alongside facing the detrimental impacts of the "Tall Poppy Syndrome" phenomenon?

While you may not be familiar with the term, data show chances are if you ask any female in your life about their first-hand experiences with workplace discrimination, nearly 88% have a frustratingly painful or demoralizing story from their past or present to share.

"Tall Poppy Syndrome"?occurs when people are attacked, resented, disliked, criticized or cut down because of their achievements and/or success.

The Tallest Poppy, a study led by Dr. Rumeet Billan, reveals the consequences of this silent systemic syndrome and the impact it has on women in the workplace worldwide.

How are ambitious women in the workplace being cut down?

According to Women of Influence+ :

  • 77% report their achievements being downplayed or credit taken given to someone else
  • 72% report being left out, intentionally excluded, or outright ignored
  • 71% report being routinely & systematically undermined

And make no mistakes; the impact is very, very material.

  • 77% of women in the workplace report experiencing the detrimental financial impacts of this systemic response behavior in organizational psychology.
  • 74% of women in the workplace report significantly negative impacts related to discrimination on mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Sadly, 61% say they've been afraid to report it for fear of retaliation they've personally witnessed peers speaking up.

What will you do to shift the narrative?

If we wish to see meaningful change in the world, we are each responsible for casting light on the dark shadows fueled by humankind's most insidious, ego-driven behaviors in the workplace.

Despite making tremendous progress in the tech industry waking up to the importance & strategic power of embracing Females in Information Technology and Telecommunications , the harsh reality is many of us still battle daily with direct & indirect discrimination due to deeply-rooted (and oftentimes unconscious) gender bias woven into our gender & work culture.

So, how does "Tallest Poppy Syndrome" typically manifest?

As systems & personalities frustrated with increasing accountability, offenders are turning towards subversive tactics aimed at diminishing women in the workplace: Microinequities & Microaggressions.

The Rise of the Subversive Tactics: Microinequities & Microaggressions.

Gender related microaggressions are?a form of discrimination and sexism. Seemingly innocent transgressions are known as microaggressions and can be conscious or subconscious. These comments or actions directed against a person who is usually part of a marginalized group, and signal disrespect and inequality.

Studies show that the rise of microaggressions & microinequities can materially impact the trajectory of a female's promotion & financial goal attainment such as:

1.) Same Behavior, Different Description / Disparate Treatment:

This type of microaggression occurs when people describe a woman’s actions in ways that would not be used to describe a man who did the same things.

For example, labeling a woman as either "too nice" to be able to do a job, a "bossy", a "drama queen", "too aggressive", "needy", "high-strung", and so on.

2.) Underestimating

Executive women surveyed express they are regularly underestimated & demeaned by colleagues and clients. At a?Harvard Business School conference professional women shared these experiences:

  • People assume women in the workplace aren't technical.
  • My skills/intelligence?have been underestimated.
  • I’m asked to take notes or do other admin tasks not asked of others.
  • Despite being the most senior member in a meeting, being ignored.
  • Peers & prospective partners shaking hands with male subordinates.
  • Default assumptions that females always report to males & not vice-versa.
  • Being referenced as a 'secretary'
  • Ignored & “invisible”

3.) Exclusion or Ostracization

Defined as, 'the general exclusion of a person from a group at the explicit or tacit agreement of its members, this one is possibly the most materially subversive approach to gender discrimination & bias.

Here are just a handful collected over my 15+ years in banking, finance, & tech:

  • "You're geting wrapped around the axel" as a thinly-veiled, "stop being dramatic."

  • "It's a technical discussion, you'll have nothing to add." When asking to be included in a meeting around a client I was responsible for managing.

  • "It wouldn't be appropriate or a good-fit to invite you; this is a leadership-focused, technical meeting at the big kid's table." Later confirmed a male peer and colleague in the same role was invited.

  • "Bull in a China Shop" when being direct or asking for equal business stature.

  • "How old are you?" as I'm receiving back-handed compliments for my "youthful appearance" during a business meeting that necessitates respect & trust. To date, I've never witnessed a male questioned about their age or comments made about their appearance.

To become a more informed, aware, & supportive ally for women in your life, check out some insightful resources below

Written by:

Meaghan Wood, Legacy Mindset Challenger & Proud Eggshell-Breaker


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