Let's Party
Susanne Magdalena Karr ? ?? Mentorin und freie Autorin
Leben statt überleben: Gib dir selbst die Erlaubnis, Verbundenheit zu erfahren und tauch ein in die Sch?nheit der Verwandlung.
-Tell me Okapi, what do you think about the celebrations today??asks Zebra.
-You mean Mother's Day? I find it strange,?replies Okapi.
-Why? Well, I mean, I'm wondering if it has something to do with female empowerment or visibility. It's actually a good idea that mothers are celebrated here. So what do you think is weird about it?
-Well, it would be okay to celebrate the achievements of mothers. But I feel like it's about a certain image of the mother. The self-sacrificing, selfless woman who cares for her child with unconditional love.
Zebra nods.?-That could be true. But these are perhaps only interpretations. I have read that the origin of the celebrations can be found in the rituals in honor of the goddess Rhea in ancient Greece....
Okapi interrupts excitedly: -Is that the figure of the mother archetype?
-To my knowledge, yes, in Rome there was a similar figure, Kybele, who was something like the great mother of the gods.
-The name doesn't really sound that Roman, though,?Okapi muses.
-That's right, she was first known in Phrygia, which would be in Turkey today,?explains Zebra with an intellectual attitude.?-And in Rome one was so open-minded to recognize the most different deities - not that someone, whom one does not happen know so well, would be offended.
-And who might perhaps be powerful after all!?Okapi adds with a sly smile.?-Clever to prevent that, I think.
-But Mother's Day today is based more on the traditional role model we discussed earlier, it seems to me. Supplemented by the eternal sole responsibility that psychoanalysis places on the mother.
-Do you mean to imply that, according to this cranky view, the mother is to blame for every psychological disaster? Because she loved the child too much or too little? Because she was too strong or too seldom present? Okapi chuckles.?-Good thing we're beyond that!
-Yes, luckily. Let's hope so, anyway. So today, if we want, we celebrate mothers who are as they want to be. Come as they are. And maybe we'll take a closer look at what the ultimate crass job is that the traditional view distributes to individual women.
-It takes a village?
-Exactly! And a fabulous mother.