Let's Open Your Heart

Let's Open Your Heart

Most of us live very defended and protected by our survival Defensive-Self, especially during the pandemic this past year. At a young age, we build armour around our hearts and cage our souls just to feel safe. But by doing that, we are prisoners of our defensiveness. Life doesn't touch us fully, therefore life-affirming possibilities can not enrich our life and our expression and creativity are compromised. We cannot fully and openly love and be loved. Our communication gets distorted, relationships get compromised, and goals and true soul purpose are sabotaged. We're prisoners of our own need to stay protected in a defensive way, thus we end up losing the true gifts of life.

It's so important to learn to feel safe and confident internally so that we can open our hearts to all the possibilities of life and to our true potential. That is what the Gates of Power ? program and method offers you. The program gives you tools, guidance, processes, and exercises to help you find internal security, a true sense of self, self-respect, and self-acceptance. The program helps you move to a higher spiritual and emotional level where you can reach your potential, use all your gifts, express yourself, and enrich your life and other people's lives.

I am sure you want to be a contribution, find joy and fulfilment, love and be loved, Gates of Power ? program guides you and gives you the tools and the support to create the state of mind of an OPEN HEART, OPEN SOUL, and internal sense of healthy protectiveness and security. Our prayers and efforts have been to alleviate the fear and constriction that this pandemic trusted to our world. This new month marks the beginning of a fresh start. Let this be the year where you let go of what is no longer serving you and open the door to all the possibilities of fulfilment and peace. I am excited to receive your call so we can get started on this new, refreshing path. I look forward to guiding you to open your heart so that you may receive what life has to offer you. Click the link to schedule your call with me: https://www.gatesofpower.com/freephoneconsultation

If you are looking for therapy sessions nearby in New York, Nomi Bachar is a trained psychotherapist and self-healing/self-actualization coach. She provides spiritual, emotional, and practical guidance to help you transform your life. Her program Gates of Power, gives you the power of self-healing and the ability to reach your potential. Her spiritual books guide you through the process of attaining the possible you.


