Let's Open Up About Insomnia
My eyes are glued to the clock. It’s 5.32 am. My stomach is squirming, and I am clutching a hot water bottle. The world around me is very big, and I am very small.
Whatever I do, my mind won’t rest. Every thought is tied to what I will say at the big presentation.
A car passes. The morning shift is about to start at the Amazon warehouse down the road.
There’s no hope.
Tomorrow, or rather today, will just be another day which I will have to struggle through after a sleepless night. I know the routine well: drink six cups of coffee before arriving to the office; forget my heavy eyes; ignore my immoveable headache; pretend that nothing is wrong.
I lever my body out of bed, get dressed and make myself my first cup of coffee. While the birds perform the dawn chorus, I sit outside and watch the traffic thicken. The sun creeps towards my garden fence, and I count the minutes until I need to get into the shower.
I hope that this article can help others who struggle with sleep. If anyone feels capable of adding something about their own experiences in the comment section below, that would be great. I believe that the more people open up about insomnia, the easier the burden will become for those who have trouble relaxing at night.