Lets make GlideAjax a little more dynamic

Lets make GlideAjax a little more dynamic

For some time ago I sat and were fouling around with how to populate fields on a catalog item. The thing is that we have our standard changes as catalog items. And depending if it was a call, incident, request etc. that was the source for creating this standard change, different fields should tag along to the standard change and populate some variables on the form.

For this I would like to only have one client script handling this and make it as dynamic and easy to add/remove fields which should tag along. I wanted only one place to add that information and not need to head to both my script include and the client script to do so.

This is what I did: Lets make GlideAjax a little more dynamic


G?ran Lundqvist - ServiceNow Witch Doctor的更多文章

