Let’s look at the last 8 weeks
I convinced myself that I needed to talk to Sam Allen at Calvary Chapel. I took my belongings and headed to Chico.
I tried for 3 weeks to get Sam to talk to me. I get why he wouldn’t.
I look to passages of the Bible to answer why I won’t go to church ever again. I had a vision when I was a child that now I understand. Jesus told me I would be hated by the Christians. I get why.
The passages that run through my mind are that of prayer, and of good deeds, and of the temple.
Prayer, Jesus said go to your most private room. He didn’t say to have a pastor lead you in prayer.
Jesus says do you good deeds in secret. They have a Christmas drive at Calvary Chapel. Not exactly secret.
Jesus said to treat you body as a temple because that’s where the living god lives. The church is everyone.
Jesus was born closer to August or September, yet we celebrate his birthday, and what did he say about that, nothing, in December. That’s a lie.
Now think about it for a moment, Jesus said to keep your eyes on God and not let idols be what you worship.
At Calvary Chapel they have shirts and hats that have a dove that is supposed to signify that they are Christian. What did Jesus say?
Most Churches are idolaters, most Churches have one lead the others in prayer, most churches are proud of what they have done and what everyone to see it.
Jesus wasn’t a Christian, and the Christians don’t listen to what he said.
The idea of religion is what Jesus was fighting.
Take the idea of the Last Supper and Communion. What if he did not have the words to say take my energy within you. So, he said drink the wine as if it was my blood and eat the bread as if it was my bones.
The one thing I want to bring up that is not in the Bible, however it is in the Apocrypha. The books whittled down to create the modern bible.
Jesus said he will not come as one, however he will come as many. What if Jesus had kids?
What if that’s what he meant, that his descendants would be the ones to come?
Mary Magdeline could have Jesus’s wife. As you read the Apocrypha you read that the Disciples went to Mary if Jesus wasn’t around.
Do the research yourself.
I’ve read the other religions, however, I grew up with Christianity. Most religions say the same things.
It’s how I came up with the Book of Khaos Majick. I used the idea of writing a book of shadows, a grimoire of my own. What I ended up writing was a set of directions one can use to create one’s own spirituality. It was channeled. I channeled the Holy Spirit.
God is love.
Think of it this way, God’s love is nearly infinitely spread across the universe.
God loves everyone.
Fear is what keeps us from accepting God’s love.
Fear is the dark mirror of love.
I will not let fear keep me from accepting God’s love.
Have a blessed one and be excellent on purpose.