Let's Look Forward Together
Usually this is the time in which my team and I are thanking you all for passing by our stand @ CpHI and for being our precious Guests at our “famous RIVOPHARM” party on Wednesday Evening&Night.
The actual situation is absolutely incredible and quite crazy. On one side my thoughts are going to all the people that have experienced directly and non-directly the pain of Covid19, whilst on the other hand my mind is focused on Albert Einstein’s quote “The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious”
I always tried to look forward and to place my mind behind the obstacle. Representing RIVOPHARM and its group I can only look forward and accept the mysterious with open hands and make the best out of it.
?I’m absolutely sure that we will have the occasion to share a lot of great business and non-business related moment on face to face meetings possibly also during our famous RIVOPHARM party in the upcoming future. For the time being I wish to you all health, to be safe and to appreciate the mysterious that surround us…. Maybe with some music.
We could not enjoy the Wednesday night live performance in an amazing location in Milan this year, nevertheless please feel free to click on the below link to enjoy some club music that may lead your head to some moments of the 2019 RIVOPHARM Frankfurt’s party!
Have a wonderful week!
Piero Poli
Rivopharm SA - President and CEO