Lets knowabout Technical SEO

Lets knowabout Technical SEO

  • Url structure Permalink

You can choose your default permalink structure from the settings permalinks screen. A permalink is a permanent web address attached to your content. You should never change the URL of a post. There is a permalink attached to every post, page or other piece of content you have on your site. It is a permanent link, hence the name permalink. It might include your domain name plus a slug, the piece of text following the domain name. Creating a permalink is easy because you can include a date, category, or anything else you want. A simple permalink makes it easy to understand and share a URL.

Example :?






  • Breadcrumbs

The breadcrumbs feature on websites lets users track where they are on the page and how far from the homepage they are. You'll usually find them at the top of the page or just underneath the navigation bar. Breadcrumbs make it easier to return to a previous page if you need to, as they tell you where you clicked on to reach the page you are on. Breadcrumbs are a useful UX feature that makes site navigation easier, but they do much more than that.

Follow Hierarchy?



Sub Category



  • Site map

Sitemap lets search engines find, crawl, and index your website's content as well as tell them which pages are most important. Sitemaps help search engines determine the importance of each page on your site. Adding a sitemap to a website can boost the ranking of the website in search engine results, which should help boost the SEO efforts. When a website ranks highly in search engine results, it will be more visible to a larger audience, thus increasing web traffic.

  • Robots.txt

Using a robots.txt file, you can tell search engines what URLs they can access on your site. This is used primarily to avoid overloading your site with requests. When it comes to blocking pages from being indexed, you should use noindex/nofollow.


user-agent: * (Applicable for all the crawlers)

Allow: /

Disallow: /wp-admin

Crawlers - Google, Bing, Yandex, Twitter etc

user-agent: *?

Disallow: /wp-admin/

  • Canonicalization

Canonicalized - This means that the page has a canonical URL that is different from the original page and the search engines are instructed not to index it. The indexing and linking properties should be changed to point to the target canonical URL.

With that crawler will understand and ignore the duplicate pages from crawling

<link rel=canonical href=https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket>

  • Optimizing content for SEO

Optimization of content is making sure that it is written, published, and technically built to reach the largest possible audience. The process includes structuring it with relevant keywords, meta, and title tags, links, headers, and subheaders.

  • Site map for image

The URL of an image sitemap is included in the standard sitemap, along with other details about the image that Google, Bing, and other search engines should index. To provide Google with image indexing information, the website owner must add relevant details to the standard sitemap about the image.

  • Sitemap for videos

Video Sitemaps can be created separately or can be added to regular sitemaps. More than one video can be included in a Video Sitemap from one URL. Video Sitemaps have their own tags like Image Sitemaps. Using them gives more relevance and visibility.

  • Errors

Making Sure That HTTP Status Codes Are Corrected On Your Site Is a Good First Step. These codes can become complex, often turning into a hard puzzle that must be solved before other tasks can be completed.These codes are segmented into different types and subtypes:

  • 1xx status codes are informational codes. These codes are informational in nature and usually have no real-world impact for SEO.

No alt text provided for this image

100 – Continue: this protocol designates that the initial serving of a request was received and not yet otherwise rejected by the server.

101 – Switching Protocols: The originating server of the site understands, is willing and able to fulfill the request of the client via the Upgrade header field. This is especially true for when the application protocol on the same connection is being used.

102 – Processing: This is a response code between the server and the client that is used to inform the client side that the request to the server was accepted, although the server has not yet completed the request.

  • 2xx codes are success codes. This status code tells you that a request to the server was successful. This is mostly only visible server-side. In the real world, visitors will never see this status code.

No alt text provided for this image

201 – Created: This status code will tell you that the server request has been satisfied and that the end result was that one or multiple resources were created.

202 – Accepted: This status means that the server request was accepted to be processed, but the processing has not been finished yet.

203 – Non-Authoritative Information: A transforming proxy modified a successful payload from the origin server’s 200 OK response.

204 – No Content: After fulfilling the request successfully, no more content can be sent in the response payload body.

205 – Reset Content: This is similar to the 204 response code, except the response requires the client sending the request reset the document view.

206 – Partial Content: Transfers of one or more components of the selected page that corresponds to satisfiable ranges that were found in the range header field of the request. The server, essentially, successfully fulfilled the range request for said target resource.

207 – Multi-Status: In situations where multiple status codes may be the right thing, this multi-status response displays information regarding more than one resource in these situations.

  • 3xx redirection codes are redirects. From temporary to permanent. 3xx redirects are an important part of preserving SEO value.

300 – Multiple Choices: This redirect involves multiple documents with more than one version, each having its own identification. Information about these documents is being rovided in a way that allows the user to select the version that they want.

301 – Moved Permanently: These are permanent redirects. For any site migrations, or other situations where you have to transfer SEO value from one URL to another on a permanent basis, these are the status codes for the job.

302 – Found: Also known as temporary redirects, rather than permanent redirects. They are a cousin of the 301 redirects with one important difference: they are only temporary.

303 – See Other: A URL, usually defined in the location header field, redirects the user agent to another resource. The intention behind this redirect is to provide an indirect response to said initial request.

304 – Not Modified: The true condition, which evaluated false, would normally have resulted in a 200 OK response should it have evaluated to true. Applies to GET or HEAD requests mostly.

305 – Use Proxy: This is now deprecated, and has no SEO impact.

307 – Temporary Redirect: This is a temporary redirection status code that explains that the targeted page is temporarily residing on a different URL. It lets the user agent know that it must NOT make any changes to the method of request if an auto redirect is done to that URL.

308 – Permanent Redirect: Mostly the same as a 301 permanent redirect.

  • 4xx are any codes that fail to load on the client side, or client error codes. 4xx client error status codes are those status codes that tell us that something is not loading – at all – and why.

400 - Bad Request

401 – Unauthorized

402 – Payment Required

403 - Forbidden

No alt text provided for this image

404 - Not Found

405 – Method Not Allowed

406 – Not Acceptable

407 – Proxy Authentication Required

408 – Request Timeout

409 – Conflict

410 – Gone

411 – Length Required

412 – Precondition Failed

413 – Payload Too Large

414 – Request-URI Too Long

415 – Unsupported Media Type

416 – Requested Range Not Satisfiable

417 – Expectation Failed

418 – I’m a teapot

421 – Misdirected Request

422 – Unprocessable Entity

423 – Locked

424 – Failed Dependency

426 – Upgrade Required

428 – Precondition Required

429 – Too Many Requests

431 – Request Header Fields Too Large

444 – Connection Closed Without Response

451 – Unavailable For Legal Reasons

499 – Client Closed Request

  • 5xx are any codes that fail to load due to a server error. All of these errors imply that there is something wrong at the server level that is preventing the full processing of the request.

No alt text provided for this image

500 – Internal Server Error

501 – Not Implemented

502 – Bad Gateway

503 – Service Unavailable

504 – Gateway Timeout

505 – HTTP Version Not Supported

506 – Variant Also Negotiates

507 – Insufficient Storage

508 – Loop Detected

510 – Not Extended

511 – Network Authentication Required

599 – Network Connect Timeout Error

  • Redirections

In general, redirection is a form of interprocess communication, and can be found in most command-line interpreters, including all the different Unix shells that can direct standard streams to specific locations.

  • Anchor text

Anchor text is the text that appears in a hyperlink that can be clicked. Best practices recommend using anchor text related to the page on which you are linking, rather than generic text. The words you use in the anchor text can affect how the page is ranked on search engines.

  • Pagination

In web design, pagination is the method of dividing content of a website into distinct pages. It is prevalent in most web applications, so that users are able to access divided content from multiple pages within one document.

  • Internal & external links

Internal links are links between two pages within the same website that conveys PageRank (or SEO value) and context through anchor text and surrounding content. The term domain is generally used instead of website when defining internal linking.

In SEO terms, an external link is a hyperlink/ backlink that points to a webpage on another domain outside the domain it's published on. It's a link that is built on another site and points back to your site.

  • Page speed

A page's speed determines how long it takes for the content of that page to load. User experience is dictated largely by page speed. users will click away from a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. if a page is too slow to load, 25% of users will choose a different search result.

  • Server time

A good Server Response Time (SRT) - together with an optimized site for speed - will make your website appear to load almost instantly.

  • Indexation status

Web indexing, in the context of search engines designed to find web pages on the Internet, is the process of compiling, parsing, and storing data for fast and accurate information retrieval.

  • Robots meta tag & x- robots - tag

A robot's meta directive ... tells a crawler how to crawl and index information found on a specific web page. Meta directives tell robots how to crawl and index information they find on a web page.

  • Gzip compression

Your website pages will load faster with GZIP compression. The server sends the compressed file to the user's browser so the browser can download and unpack it. Compression reduces the size of a file by up to 90%, which means page loading is faster and data is used less.

  • Expiry header

Expires headers are HTTP headers that let you know if the information can be retrieved from the browser cache or if you are going to need to access the server since the cached option has become outdated.

  • Http v/s https

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) the communications protocol used to connect to Web servers on the Internet or on a local network (intranet). The primary function of HTTP is to establish a connection with the server and send HTML pages back to the user's browser.

Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, which is the primary protocol used to send data between a web browser and a website. HTTPS is encrypted in order to increase security of data transfer. Any website, especially those that require login credentials, should use HTTPS.

  • Sub domain

Under a large parent domain, there is a subdomain. A subdomain is used to organise and navigate around various sections of a website that may be extensive in content or be different in theme. You can have multiple subdomains under your main domain.

  • TLN ( Top Level Navigation )

A TLN is the main menu and navigation for your website, which has a huge effect on both user experience and search engine ranking. The way we tend to scan web pages is from left to right, from top to bottom. When people think of website navigation, they think of the menu at the top of the page.

  • Footer analysis

Links in the footer are considered site-wide links, or boilerplate links, and appear on almost every page of a website. Google wants to know if you added footer links solely for search engine optimization.

  • Site depth?

Accordingly, the depth of a site is determined by the number of clicks between one page and the homepage. For instance, if you are on a product page and it is reachable after 4 clicks from the homepage, this page is considered to have a depth of 4.

  • Absolute v/s relative URL

Links like this can be searched from anywhere on the Internet, not just on one site. The absolute URL gives all the information about the full page address, including the protocol and domain. The address is listed in the search engine, and all the steps you need to take to get to it are listed.

When linking relative URLs, it is assumed that the link uses the same URL structure since the relative URL only includes the path. Because relative URLs do not include the entire URL structure, there is an assumption that the link uses the same protocol, subdomain and domain as the page.

  • Link attributes

A hyperlink is defined by the <a> element and refers to a link that connects two pages. The href attribute shows the location of the link. Links in all browsers will look like the following by default: An unvisited link is underlined and blue.

  • Rss feed ( Rich Site Summary )

A RSS feed submission is the submission of your RSS feeds to RSS directories so your search engine ranking can be boosted. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary, as well as Really Simple Syndication. The RSS feed contains your site updates.

  • Open graph snippet

Using Open Graph meta tags gives control over how URLs are displayed when shared across social networks. They're part of Facebook's Open Graph protocol and are also used by Twitter and LinkedIn. You can find them in the head of a website.

  • Schema Markup

Rich snippets are schema markup. If you use rich snippets, you might understand what schema markup is all about. Schema markup helps you provide more informative search results on your website

  • W3c validation

In W3C validation, website's code is checked to make sure it follows the correct formatting standards. A website may suffer errors due to a lack of validating code against those standards, or it may not receive as many visitors as possible due to bad readability.


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