Let's Judge Each Other
Rich Bitterman
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The act of judging others is a topic that should be of considerable importance for Christians, but is a subject that is often misunderstood. Is it okay to judge someone else? Does it make a difference if it is a church member or someone that we know in the secular world? God gives us the answers to these delicate questions in the Gospel of Matthew in the well-known Sermon on the Mount.
I want to focus particularly on chapter seven of this book starting with the first six verses. “Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and look, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye! “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces,” (Matthew 7:1–6, NASB).
Leading up to this passage of Scripture, Jesus reminds us that if we love him, then we must live according to the law of God. Next, he explains that as Christians, while we live on earth, all of our thoughts, deeds, and intents are done in the very presence of God.
Don’t be religious when you judge
This is the perfect introduction to the delicate subject of how to judge others. Notice that I say how to judge others, not if I judge others. You see, the context of this book centers around the actions of the Scribes and Pharisees of the time of Jesus.
Our Savior’s motive was to show that there is a profound and radical difference between the actions of a Christian compared to that of a religious person.?A religious person, both then and now, is very self-righteous. They often have a high opinion of themselves and use this to condemn others. The goal is to elevate themselves so that they feel superior. However, Jesus, in these verses is explaining that a true Christian is not anything like this. We are radically different.
It’s impossible not to judge
Verse one, ironically, says, “judge not”, (Matthew 7:1, NASB). The last time I checked, you and I are both human beings made in the image of God. One of the traits given to us by God is the power and ability to make judgments. In fact, you are judging both our Lord’s words and my words as you read this article. It is undeniable that God gave us this faculty of the mind.
As an example, during the NFL season, my best friend and I debate the merits of which team is better, the Kansas City Chiefs or the Denver Broncos. This is an ongoing, never-ending argument. We are both making judgments (although mine, when it comes to football, is usually correct). Let’s face it; by virtue of our own nature and the world that we live in, we make judgments every day of our lives.
Likewise, in other parts of the Bible, Jesus actually commands us to use judgment when he says,
“judge not according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment,” (John 7:24, KJV).
The point is clear. He says when you make a judgment about another person, do it with righteous intent. We have a responsibility to take our time, weigh all the facts, and resolve to come up with a responsible solution. This means that the attitude of criticism and the spirit in which the judgment is made is vitally important.
Does Jesus contradict himself
You might notice that there seems to be a contradiction. It tells us to judge not, but elsewhere in the Bible is commands us to judge others. In fact, in three words, blunt and absolute, Jesus commanded us, “Do not judge” (Matt. 7:1, NASB). What is the difference?
I think the difference is based strictly on our heart’s intent when we are judging. I don’t think our Lord condemns a Christian when making a righteous judgment, rather the problem centers around the abuse of judgment.
In my life, I am particularly guilty of making rash judgments. When I do this, I often make decisions about others that I am not qualified to make, or I can be extremely severe in my judgment. My senior pastor often reminds me that it is important to put the best possible interpretation on the actions of other people. Don’t always assume the worse of them. Pharisees abused their ability to judge others with harsh accusations. That is the meaning of the words, “judge not,” found in verse 1.
The ultimate judgment
The second part of verse 1 says,
“Judge not, so you will not be judged,” (Matthew 7:1, NASB).
Who then is judging us — when we judge? I believe that someday we will be standing in front of our Savior, who has the ultimate and yet fair judgment of each of us. He will be using his absolute standards of truth as our test. This is a warning to be careful that you don’t abuse the power given to us, lest you will be judged for that abuse. All thoughts and motives will be revealed at that time with fearful consequences.
The illustration found in Matthew 7, verses 3–5 makes it plain and clear to all that it is foolish to make the wrong kind of judgments. Here is the picture: there are two men who both have something wrong with their eyes. One man has a tiny speck or splinter that does cause problems, but that man could still see. The other has a beam, which is an exaggeration for sure, but his vision is destroyed. Perfect vision is required of the man helping the man with the speck, not a man with a beam. The point is clear, it is absurd for those of us with hidden immoralities to criticize someone else with public immorality.
When judgment helps rather than hinders
To help anyone else, we need to stop any tolerated sin in our life. Verse 5 tells us why,
“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye,” (Matthew 7:5, NASB).
This passage says if you don’t remove your tolerated sin, then you are a hypocrite.?And being such disqualifies you from giving correction. Jesus tells us that a critical spirit used in judging others is leaps and bounds more serious than the little faults you pick out in other people’s lives.
This section of Scripture ends perfectly by saying,
“Do not give what is holy to dogs and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces,” (Matthew 7:6, NASB).
It is interesting to note that once again God is calling us to use judgment. This time discernment is needed when witnessing to others. We are instructed to help only those who will actually be benefitted by it.
It’s undeniable that a pig would rather have slop to eat while ignoring a precious string of pearls dangled in front of him. There is no doubt that everyone deserves to hear the Gospel message of redemption from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but there are some truths to holy and precious to be made fun of or mocked. Judgment is needed in these matters.
So, what can be done for these people without dragging God’s truth into the dirt? You can pray for them and weep for them. But until their spirit changes, there is nothing else you can do.
The application of this lesson is often difficult for us to take. The question is: how do you behave when someone qualified reproves you? How do you react when someone who loves you — corrects you? If you get angry and resentful, then you are robbing yourself of one of the chief means of grace in which God has gifted to us.