Let's invest in a better future for all
In the month of May 2022, WTO soft-launched two crowdfunding campaigns. Join us to invest in a better future - a world with a clean, safe toilet for everyone, everywhere, at all times. In addition, leave no one behind. Invest in the capacity-building of sanitation workers so that they can acquire skills to improve their livelihood and the lives of their loved ones.
Every $1 of contribution matters. Please help share and/or donate to these two campaigns: https://worldtoilet.give.asia
Thank you very much.
Why Toilets?
In the month of May 2022, our Founder, Jack Sim, was one of the speakers of the first plenary session at the SWA 2022 Sector Ministers' Meeting, "From a Triple Crisis to a Triple Win: The Role of Political Leadership".
Toilet is an investment. For every $1 invested in basic sanitation, the return is $2.5. And in the case of basic sanitation in rural areas, every $1 returns on average more than $5 in saved medical costs and increased productivity. (Hutton et al.?2015)
SWA 2022 Sector Ministers' Meeting
At the Sector Ministers' Meeting, Nicole Becker, SWA Youth Champion, was in conversation with Jack. Watch this on Sanitation and Water for All's YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/lQvpN0fd3VQ
You can also watch the video recordings of the meeting here on Sanitation and Water for All's YouTube channel:
Watch Day 1: 2022 Sector Ministers' Meeting - English (18 May 2022)
Watch Day 2: 2022 Sector Ministers' Meeting - English (19 May 2022)
Will you join us to continue the global conversation around sanitation at the upcoming World Toilet Summit 2022, in Abuja, Nigeria?
You can now register your interest as a delegate, exhibitor or sponsor here: https://wtsnigeria2022.com
World Hand Hygiene Day (5 May) & Menstrual Hygiene Day (28 May)
In the month of May, we also celebrated World Hand Hygiene Day on 5 May, and Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28 May. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) are closely connected. Let us remember to take a holistic approach when addressing issues related to water, sanitation and hygiene.
About World Toilet Organization
A registered charity in Singapore, World Toilet Organization (WTO) is the leading global voice for sanitation, committed to building a world with clean, safe toilets for everyone, everywhere at all times. We have been a strong advocate in breaking the silence on the global sanitation crisis.
Please visit our website for more information: https://www.worldtoilet.org
To make a donation directly to WTO, please visit: https://www.worldtoilet.org/donate/
Let us invest in a better future for all. Contribute to WTO's latest campaigns here: https://worldtoilet.give.asia
To contact us, please email: [email protected]
Nitin Shende CPA, CMA, MBA, CSCMP, Thank you for liking this post and supporting it. Your encouragements are appreciated. :)
María Belén Rivas Thank you for liking this! Appreciate your support. :)
Hi ARUNA VARSANI Thank you so much for liking this article. We hope it provides a quick digest to the WTO and WASH community of important events that happened in May. :) Have an awesome month of June.