Let's help get that book finally written.

Let's help get that book finally written.

If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, consultant, or executive who wants to write and publish a book in YOUR WORDS and in YOUR VOICE, but don’t have the time or desire to type it yourself, then I invite you to join I and my team will provide everything you need to validate and develop your book idea, then write and edit it, design, and publish it, and get it out to the world.

The process begins with you filling out a short intake form to tell us about the general idea you’ve had about your book.

Based on the initial details provided on the intake form, we will then hop on an idea validation call which will last for no longer than 30 mins (I know how busy you are). I will use the information from the intake form and the book idea validation call to design a book interview questionnaire.

Your book interview will be the main course of this offer as it will provide the meat of what your book is made of. If you’re someone who already has a lot of content out there in blogs and articles on the same topic as your book, then one interview session may just be enough. Otherwise, we can plan for two interview sessions going for a maximum of 2 hours each.

With the recorded interview, I will draft the initial manuscript for your book which will read like you wrote it yourself. While writing your manuscript, I will have my designer come up with 3 design options for your book cover (eBook and paperback).

Once complete, I will submit the initial draft manuscript and cover designs for you to review (on the side of the manuscript) and choose (on the side of the book cover).

book copyWe will then schedule and hop on a review call where we clarify anything that needs to be clarified that hasn’t already been clarified through email exchange. If for any reason you like a particular cover design green light but want some adjustments made, we will discuss those as well to make sure the final design meets your 100% satisfaction.

With your revised manuscript and cover design, we will then proceed to have the book professionally edited and formatted.

While the editing and formatting process is going on, we will begin the registration of your book to ensure you have full copyright of your work, and thus keep all royalties associated with your book.

I will have your book registered with the Library of Congress and obtain its Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN). I will move to obtain an ISBN – International Standard Book Number for your book (it’s that 13-digit number at the back of books you see on the barcode) It is the number that will be used to identify your book in bookstores, online inventories etc.

Once editing is complete, I will send the final manuscript to you for acceptance. Once I get the final green light from you, we will then move to distribute initially to Amazon and Barnes and Noble online bookstores.

You will be set up on the professional Print on Demand services offered by these two online retailers.

With Print on Demand, you don’t have to print hundreds or thousands of copies of your book and the hope you sell them.

None of that.

Instead, a copy of the book is printed and shipped directly to the buyer every time a copy is ordered. (This is the method I’ve used to publish all 2 of my books and help others do the same)

We will have an initial 50 copies of your book shipped to you that you can use as giveaways (a book is a great strategy for business building) or plan a soft book launch.

The final stage of the offer will be us promoting your book on social media and other publicity outlets for the initial week after it is officially released.

In summary, here’s what you get with my book writing and publish offer:

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Your idea will be validated before we begin work.

We will help structure and position it into the best possible book.

We will conduct in-depth interviews to get your ideas out of your head and into a book that’s in your words and your voice.

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A beautifully designed cover for eBook and paperback.

Full coordination of all publishing details (ISBN, bio, description, etc.)

Complete formatting of your paperback, and eBook

You keep all rights and ownership of the book.

Full distribution and print on demand offered through Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.

You keep 100% of the royalties

design green

You will receive a complete book marketing strategy and templates to create more publicity, and awareness,(your book will become a bestseller)

You will receive a full set of social media posts and graphics for launch week

The low four-figure investment required to make this offer work for you is minute when compared to the social and financial capital you gain for having your very own book published.

I published my first book in 2012, and although I did very little marketing or promotion, it has brought well over $350,000USD in the last 10high-level years, in consulting opportunities exclusively in the small developing country of Liberia where I live.

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My coach, Rich Litvin who lives in California (you may know him) also published (with Steve Chandler) his book in 2012, and the single book (which is a bestseller) has brought him millions of dollars in high-level coaching clients and other business opportunities, in addition to royalties from the actual book sales.

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So, while I cannot guarantee that your book will become a long-term bestseller, I can guarantee that it will open a major career ( I have a friend whose book opened the door to his dream job.), business, and even personal doors for you (you may just finally get the full attention of the special someone whose attention you’ve been seeking for a while now).

And if it does become a long-term bestseller, well, all the better.

To be an ideal candidate for this offer, you must be a mid-level professional, coach, consultant,, or business owner who has created some level of success in either their personal, professional (Career), or entrepreneurial life, or is an expert at their craft, with something of value to offer the world through your book. You will be a great fit if you have consistent positive cash flow in your business or from your job, and you see the book as a strategic tool to further build your brand and influence so as to take you to your next level.

So, if you are that professional, a coach, consultant, or business executive who has been wanting to write a book for a while now, but has not known how to get started, now you know.

Connect with me to inquire about our Legacy Writing Co. Services, comment below this article, and I, or someone from my team will reach out to you.


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