Lets help each other...
Ruth Gradus
Director - Digital and Technical Recruitment specialist at Digital Talent Services
We all know that currently the Digital and Tech industry is under some scrutiny in terms of redundancies / lay offs / moving departments overseas etc and the market is volatile.
At Digital Talent Services our aim is always to help candidates fulfill their career aspirations aswell as provide a high end recruitment service to our clients across the UK/ Ireland / Europe .
Aswell as candidates finding it a struggle right now - we too have experienced a slow pace in the market and are looking to onboard new clients to assist them in their recruitment requirements so that we can also help our candidates.
We have therefore put together a new referral programme to all our clients/ candidates / connections and friends and ask if you could introduce us to either the Hiring Managers within your company or Introduce us to another business hiring team or HR / TA Department . By doing this - any future business that we do with your referral we will pay you £1000 £/E per successful placement ,as a thank you and will extend this up to filling 3 positions with that company.
All we would ask if that you could speak to the contact and advise them of our services - we will also offer an introductory discount to any new company that works with Digital Talent Services during the months of MAY AND JUNE 2024.
As we all know - networking is an important factor in business and we want to extend our thanks to anyone who uses or refers our services.
Digital Talent Services supplies a range of Mid - Senior - Lead - Principal - Staff - Management - Director levels of the specialist areas below:
Often people are assuming their companys arent hiring / have internal recruitment / have no needs immediately - but this has always been the case and then things change - so just because there isnt a need now doesnt mean there wont be in the future and we believe building relationships prior is a good thing.
Please feel free to email any referrals and cc us in to your contacts to introduce us and we will will keep your details on file with the referrals and keep you updated as soon as any business is created so that we can thank you with your referral bonus - once, twice or even three times !
On behalf of Digital Talent Services, Thank you for your time , connection and any referrals you can make.
Email: [email protected]
#referrals #referralbonus #collaboration #recruitment #hiring #digital #technical
#2024 #careers