Let's heat things up. It's summer.
"Everything is about s*x except s*x. S*x is about power." One of Oscar Wild's many talents was adding wit to wisdom.
Now replace the word s*x with desire, and you've got an excellent prescription for interviews.?
People are uncomfortable with interviewing because it is about desire and, ultimately, power.?
After thousands of #interviews, I can confirm that candidates who can create desire have an advantage in getting the job.?
Rest assured, no need to show any skin or act out.?Desire is a state of mind.
Recruiters are vulgarly called #headhunters.?It's a valid name since that is what they do; they go out to chase #talent.?
Because great talent thrives, they are usually not looking for a new job, and that's why the client wants them.?
One #luxury CEO would refuse to glance at an out-of-work candidate even with great credentials. End of discussion.?
Think of it: everyone wants a table at the most booked restaurant, and no one wants to eat in an empty restaurant.?Same with talent.?If there is too much availability, recruiters can feel it.?
Companies know this rule too and will pay a premium when they have difficulty attracting talent because of reputation, product, etc.?
Anyway, the reality is that every candidate needs to create a halo of desire around their career. Nothing drastic, just the sillage of a perfume.?The fine line between playing hard to get and selling yourself short.?
One of my coaching clients just received a verbal #offer from his dream company. He is still in conversation with two other brands. He was ready to sign them off.?
I stopped him and suggested the following advice:
1- continue the interviewing process with other companies until you get the offer letter from your dream company in your hands and the ink is dry, and
2- bask in the "being in-demand energy" and tap into the power of desire to negotiate with the dream company.?
Desire and power are very compelling energies.?I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on the subject, whether you hire or are a hire...
A très bient?t! Agathe
PS: If you want to turn up the dial for your career, the?Clarity Group Coaching?starts in September.?You'll learn the techniques and the art of interviewing and a dash of how to pimp your skills ;)?It's a ten-week intensive program for 20 executives. In the program, you get access to both my coaching and recruiting skills all in one. Upon joining, I will email you an intake form. Once received, we will schedule a one-on-one call within a few days so I get to know you well and ensure your career gets the attention it deserves.??
PPS: Feel free to view testimonials on my LinkedIn profile and please connect with me. The more the merrier.