Let’s Hear It For the Girls!
Kimberlee Langford, BSN RN CCM CRMT CPC
VP of Clinical Services -Specialty Care Management - Dialysis Risk Mitigation
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there. May is a great time to talk about women’s health.
Breast health is important, and regular self-breast exams are a great way to be familiar with your tissue – any abnormal lumps, bumps or distortions should be discussed with your provider. Many women find that monthly after menses is best as breasts are less tender. For a great guide – check: https://www.breastcancer.org/symptoms/testing/types/self_exam
Mammograms are recommended yearly after age 40, and by 55 can drop to every other year – or remain yearly for those at high risk.
Take care of breast tissue and lymphatics by not wearing constrictive bras or clothing. If you are childbearing, breastfeeding is not only best for your baby but also offers protection for you for breast and ovarian cancer along with helping to reduce your risk for hypertension and diabetes as well.
The CDC now recommends regular cervical exams (Pap smear) be started at age 21 and as recommended by your provider – every three years if results are normal.
At Specialty Care Management, we care – and we want you to take care of yourself as well as the groups and members you work hard for! Pass this newsletter along to those you think could benefit!