Let's Heal The Earth
International Earth's Day

Let's Heal The Earth

Invest in our planet, well that's exactly the motto we followed to celebrate Earth Day but the message we delivered was far more monumental. We took this opportunity to educate the world on how to be conscious and how our approach should be regulated to save the Earth.

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Delivering Messages through Placards

Episodes of board work, a plethora of placards, skits, and speech were displayed by students to convey a very strong message. But the most significant moment was the planting of seeds to symbolize how we can work on the present to save the future.

It is quite evident, the earth is suffering and we know why? but we are not taking measures rather we are engrossed in exploiting its soul through heinous acts. Through the special assembly, we clearly objected to harmful measures. Our objective was to promote a traditional lifestyle and how together we can contribute to beautifying the Earth.

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Students Listening to a sermon by a speaker

During the entire event, what was promising to see was how concerned our students were. They were aware of the objectives we wanted to achieve. Their powerful speech and inspiring presentation gave birth to legitimate questions that we have been avoiding so far.

We agreed that we all must do a little investment from our end because the earth is one and if not now then when and if not we then who? The contextual board work to protect wildlife and nature clearly highlighted the points on how selfish we as a human have become.

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Board work on Nature and Wildlife Protection

Along with negatives, positives were drawn and discussed. The students paid homage to environmentalists and others for their effort and stressed the fact that we are far from green and clean earth.

In the end, it was a well-planned event with students leading from the front. They made good use of the opportunity to speak their mind and set the agenda straight on how we all can play a part in restoring the glory of Earth.


North Point Residential School Siliguri (Boarding cum Day School)的更多文章

