Let's have a chat ...is it?
“Hi Mam and before you ask it was a good drive down and no, I didn’t get irate with anyone or anything, in fact it has been a pretty good week” I said rather smugly……
“Well that’s good to hear and may I say a pleasant change as your Auntie Em is coming for lunch today and the last time she met you she asked me if you were drunk or on drugs as you were so wound up” She said with a smile.
“What??? … I was polite, calm and even asked about her work at the Chapel so I have no idea why she would ask such a crazy question.” I said rather annoyedly.
“It’s not my fault that she doesn’t understand me, what I do and what I am about… that’s her problem not mine! ...in fact she is just like one of the project teams I’m leading they have all the information they need, I have spent hours telling them what needs to be done by when and all I get back are blank stares, excuses for missed deadlines ….sometime I think I’m speaking a different language….”
“Mmmmmm maybe you are speaking a different language … how is your RAPPORT with the team?”
“Rapport, what has that got to do with my interaction with the team? I sat through a few courses on rapport but didn’t really get what all the fuss was about. From memory it’s all about choosing the right words, being super confident and “mirroring their behaviour” so they like you!”
“Oh I see, or rather I don’t” Mam said with that annoying grin … did they mention listening, sensitivity, respect or even awareness?”
“Mam this is business not the Chapel or the Parish Council, we have deadlines, contracts to be closed and deals to be made”
“OK son we have an hour or so before Aunty Em arrives … so let’s have a chat ...is it?”
Once again that simple phrase stirred something deep within me and I knew it was time to slow down, open my mind and listen.
“So, shall we start with listening… what is the team telling you ...or more importantly what are you hearing?”
“I hear excuses, I hear confusion, I sometimes wonder if any of them are capable of completing even the simplest of tasks…” I could hear myself say defensively.
“Wow full marks for listening, sensitivity, respect and awareness then.” she said with a sigh. “ I might be wrong son but I’m guessing you aren’t really listening … you may think you are but if you are stressed or feeling insecure I bet you are listening from the basis of what’s in it for me … which changes what you actually think you hear. Also, you have a habit of waiting for a gap in the conversation to take over and get YOUR point of view across as we have discussed many times.”
“Now try and describe the state of mind you were in when you had the last project meeting?”
“I was pumped, on point, ready to lead from the front, up for the challenge…”
“House!” she shouted, taking me by surprise.
“House …. what on earth do you mean?” I said
“Sorry couldn’t resist it … I was playing buzzword bingo and I got a full line in that one sentence alone” she giggled.
“All the things you mentioned are about YOU and by now you should know that it’s your thoughts that create your moment by moment experience from within and remember that is the same for everyone on the planet, no exceptions. So if it’s true for you it has to be true for everyone else in that room and on the team. We sometimes underestimate how different our own realities are at any given moment.”
“Mam, you know I struggle with this separate reality jargon can you give me a real life example please?”
“Ok let me try … a lot of humour and jokes are based on misunderstanding of a situation in the moment … remember the Pink Panther film with Peter Sellers as the hapless Inspector Clouseau? During one scene he walks into a hotel reception and sees a dog laying by the desk. He asked does your dog bite. The answer is no but as he leans down to pat the dog it snarls and bites him. Shocked he exclaims you told me your dog doesn’t bite, to which the receptionist says .. but that’s not my dog ….you see both people in the same place at the same time, in the same situation but living in separate realities”
“So if you don’t recognise that we all live in this world of thought and we all see things differently and that thoughts are always changing you can see how this becomes a huge source of misunderstanding.”
“Ok Mam so knowing all this how can it make a difference?”
“When you are in the project meeting and if you can realise in the moment that your feelings are coming ONLY from your thoughts you can stop blaming others in the room, which I believe is what you tend to do? Our thoughts are important to us but maybe not to others. ...try to really listen and don’t take things personally”
“But Mam it is personal, it’s my project, my career!”
“No, that’s what you think not what is ….. now if you take things personally you could end up being defensive or even aggressive.”
“Better than giving up or being a doormat!” I said, realising that was defensive and aggressive!
“Or you could stay open, see that the team is also feeling their thinking. By staying open, interested, and non-judgemental, you are more likely to help them look more objectively at their own thinking. If you constantly make out that the team is in the wrong you will undoubtedly bring out the worst in them. You will get better rapport …..or in your case some rapport .. if you listen beyond your own thinking about the team and beyond any judgements or conclusions you may have around their position or views.”
“But Mam isn’t that a sign of weakness?”
“More a sign of your insecurity son … if you are insecure you tend to rush in arms waving, on high alert for any indication of insult or indifference. Insecurity can be pretty obvious to others, especially if you are asking yourself questions like, do they like me, do they support me, am I good enough? With a head full of these types of thoughts even if the team comes up with new fresh ideas you won’t hear them.”
“Mam if I am hearing you correctly, I should try and slow down, be more present and listen better?”
“Well that will help but remember 90% of human communication is non-verbal, this speaks to the importance of the quality and significant value of rapport when speaking to your team. Rapport is a deep FEELING that allows for understanding and compassion and this FEELING comes from you being in a healthy state of mind. Rapport is vital, in fact I would say goals can be secondary when rapport is present. People feel safe, think clearer and their ability to listen improves. Then the meeting goals will become clear and you have a better chance of achieving them. Rapport takes you beyond personality, beyond not liking someone because of their views or behaviour.”
“OK so if I listen more openly, treat people with respect and sensitivity while increasing my awareness do you think the team will respond better and we might have a chance of meeting the goals?” I asked.
“Son when will you learn that all I can do is point you in the right direction… I’m not giving you a set of instructions to follow like in all those self-help books you buy… I can’t teach you anything, but I do hope that during or indeed after our chats you might have some personal insight.”
“Now Aunty Em is due soon so let me leave you with another analogy … Aunty Em is an amazing pianist and tunes her own piano and can you remember how she starts tuning?”
“By telling us all to be quiet?”
“Yes, but what does she use to start the tuning process?”
“Ahhh she has that tuning fork thingy.”
“OK so try this … Humans are like tuning forks … when we speak from a deep authentic place, the feeling we project resonates within the people we are talking to… and that is the best description I can think of for rapport.”
As that thought/image played across my mind, once again I felt calm and at peace. I have no idea how Mam does it but I’m glad she can ……..
Regional Sales Leader at BMC Software
4 年Much to love in this.....Clouseau reference, and more importantly some sound guidance from Mam. Thanks for sharing.
Another insightful post. Loved the ending...