Let’s Grow More Data Science Internship Experience
Harshita Aswani
Data Science Student @ IITM | 5 ?? Python & SQL @ Hackerrank | Kaggle Notebook Expert | 2nd winner @ KSR Datavizion Data Hackathon | Data Analytics | Business Intelligence | MySQL | Excel | Tableau | Power BI
For more growth and development in the field of data science, I looked for some challenging internships with difficult task from where I could learn and grow more. As said, there is growth out of the comfort zone. So, I tried “let’s grow more” data science internship in which I learnt new things like, computer vision and deep learning concept like LSTM. I applied for this internship from the website of the company: letsgrowmore.in. When I got selected, I received a selection badge and an offer letter. There were total 10 tasks. Out of which 4 were beginner level, 2 were intermediate, 3 were advanced level and was the most advanced. Out of all these I completed 3 tasks from the beginner level.
Task-2: Stock Market Prediction and Forecasting using stacked LSTM
The dataset was having various columns such as, high, low, last, open, close, etc. I used close column for prediction of stock market price. I used time-step of 250. I set the train size as 65% and test size as 35%. I predicted the stock market price using stacked LSTM and finally plotted the output as a graph containing three colors: orange, blue and green.
Task-3: Music Recommendation System
There were six datasets in total. I cleaned the datasets. I merged them on ‘song id’ column which was common. I used cosine-similarity for calculating the similarity between songs. I created a recommendation system by creating two recommendation functions out of which one predicts the indexes and the other one predicts the songs.
Task-4: Image to Pencil Sketch
I used Taj Mahal image and using the openCV library, I converted the image to pencil sketch. I also used matplotlib for visualizing the image.
Congratulations ????