Let's grow to maturity

Let's grow to maturity

The Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 4:12 that we must grow and grow in Christ until we are complete, that is, until we have the fullness equal to the fullness of Christ. Our aim should be to make ourselves and others whole.

Therefore, let us not be as infants, deceived by the wiles of men, and as though we were tossed about by the wind, tossed to and fro by the waves of every doctrine that is made up, but we must grow up spiritually (Ephesians 4:14).

God allows us to listen to deceitful and false teachings so that we may grow in discernment. Otherwise we cannot grow in discernment. This is why God allows so many deceivers and false prophets to exist in Christianity. Thus we discern whose soul is right or whose soul is not right. We do not judge others. But we must discern. Thus our spiritual sensibility is active.

In Ephesians 4:15 we are called upon to speak the truth in love so that we may grow up in all things , that we may be like Christ. Here we see the balance between truth and love. Should we always tell the truth? Yes. But how to say it. We must always speak the truth with love. If you don't speak the truth out of love, wait until you have love for people.

The pen of truth can be written on the tablet of love. If you write the truth without a tablet, it is as if it were written in the air. No one understands what you write. Always speak with love either in society or in private. In that way, we will grow as a body, prospering in all things through Christ as our head.

"He is the head, from whom the whole body is put together, each member functioning according to its own measure, held together by the strength of each joint, so that the body may prosper in love" says Paul in Ephesians 4:16. Here the joints speak of fellowship. See how many joints there are in a hand. There are a total of 17 joints, one at the shoulder, one at the elbow, and 15 in the fingers.

These joints help us to function easily. What can you do with your arm if your upper and lower elbows are strong and your elbow doesn't bend? Nothing can be done and the hand will be useless. Merely having strength does not make your hand useful. Joints should also work. Now let's apply this to the body of Christ. Here is a good brother as strong as the top of your elbow and another good brother as strong as the bottom of your elbow. But they cannot fellowship together.

This is the sad thing about Christianity today. In the human body it is called arthritis and it is very painful. Many local churches have these joint diseases. When our joints are working properly, there is no sound. But if you have this disease in your body, there will be a sound whenever you move. But if the joints work well then there is no sound. Such should be our fellowship with one another.

If that is the situation in your case, you should use the medicine required for that disease. That means die to your own life that you may receive the life of God in abundance. Then you will be healed and your fellowship with others will be glorious. This is the will of God in the body of Christ.


Zac Poonen


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