Let's Go For an Adventure
As I sit here, savouring a cup of warm milk, my gaze wanders through the window to the captivating Ngong hills’ horizon. The hills, adorned with lush vegetation courtesy of the recent rains, present a scene so beautiful that it takes my breath away.
It's as if nature itself has come alive before my eyes. The clouds gracefully float above the hills, painting the sky with their pure white hues against a backdrop of serene blue.
The sun, though I can't quite determine its intensity, emanates a comforting warmth that beckons me to step outside.
At this moment, I've made a conscious decision to disconnect from the distractions of modern technology. The TV is switched off, the sound system silenced, and my laptop sits untouched. It's a time for me to immerse myself in the tranquillity of silence, to listen to the voice within. Yet, as I embark on this introspective journey, I realise that listening to oneself is not as easy as it may seem, particularly for those of us accustomed to a life of action and achievement. We are the problem solvers, the creators, the purveyors of positive energy. However, there comes a point when we must pause and tune into our essence.
Entrepreneurs, in many ways, are like drivers on a journey. They navigate their paths, guided by a sense of purpose and calling. While some may claim that every entrepreneurial journey follows a predefined road map, I respectfully disagree. If such a road map truly existed, the staggering statistics of failed startups would tell a different tale. I believe that each entrepreneur embarks on a unique journey, one they must shape and discover. Remember, they are the drivers, manoeuvring their way through tunnels, cities, villages, and diverse terrains of life. Perhaps it's akin to treading in uncharted waters. Of course, you may hold a different perspective, and that's perfectly fine. I'm not here to present you with a road map; I'm merely sharing my own experiences.
While driving towards your destination, you must also decipher your road map. It's a process of self-discovery and exploration, all while steering your train forward. But here's a question: why do we often hear stories and lessons from successful entrepreneurs when, in reality, the majority of ventures do not achieve the same level of success? Now, please don't misunderstand me; I am an eternal optimist, embracing life and its offerings. However, I also believe in acknowledging the present reality. The truth is now, not before, not after—it is the current moment that matters.
Before my thoughts wander too far and I digress, I propose a challenge. Let us listen to entrepreneurs who are still on their journeys. This is not to dismiss those who have achieved success or imply that they have reached their final destination—I simply cannot say. It would be valuable to hear from those entrepreneurs who wake up each day, engaging in conversations with their inner selves. They ask themselves if they are crazy for pursuing their dreams, yet they continue to push forward, undeterred by doubts.
As I take a break from my writing, I notice that my milk has cooled, reminding me of the very reason I warmed it. So, I shall pause for a moment, attend to it, and return shortly.