Lets get started .........
Of course every great idea started somewhere and likely was not got off the ground easily. That is how I feel about writing this blog. My talented editorial colleagues create great prose day in and day out and I now wish I had their ability.
Every day in my job I guarantee that I talk to someone who has got to make a choice between print or digital marketing activity and, in general, I would say that most choose digital because they have been told that is the right thing to do or it is one way that their marketing activity can be measured.
I don't decry traditional print media or advanced digital activity - I am pleased to say I offer both and quite commonly used an integration of the two in order to deliver the best end results.
My anguish though is how easily that print media advertising is dismissed.
There is an inevitability that eventually print media will become less and less simply because trend dictates it not to be the right choice. In a publishing environment such as mine - industrial B2B - informed written content is the biggest influencer of all media available. So this means that through trend and fashion we are potentially killing the best platform that we have - dramatic to say the least.
So I would like to know your thoughts. Do you think print is important? Do you support print advertising? Do you issue editorial looking for print coverage?
Feel free to comment on this blog post or message me direct. I am particularly keen to hear from PR people as this is a group outside of publishing that could be watching a main line channel disappear.
As Publisher I am faced with a challenge to keep print profitable and maintain high value content for my readers - I would be really interested to hear others views on this.
Well that was my first missive and if you have got to this sentence - thank you. Look forward to hearing from you.
Q the Publisher
communications that deliver, to your target markets
5 年Andrew in my opinion it's balance. Both have a role, a place. I cam across a stat the other day that 60% of info is sourced online. Logically the implication is 40% is sourced offline, of which print plays a part.