Let's get to know each other, shall we?
Michael D Haines
Thought Leader In The Way We Serve The Disabled / Challenged Customers In Our Businesses
‘Mike Speak’
I have a goal for September 2016, I would like to speak to 5 business during this month. If you would like to book a talk, I’m taking bookings now @ Michaeldhaines.com
I have been given a rather unique chair into life today. You see I have a challenge (Cerebral Palsy). Through my eyes, I am able to give the viewer a sense of the personal interactions as I recount several real life happenings. By having this vantage point, I can see things that you as a business owner might not see. I take a different tact. You see I believe one person can make a huge difference in the world.
I also believe in taking personal responsibility for my own actions, so if not me then who will it be?
The DVD lets the audience get to know me, as I gently lead them through the somewhat difficult stage of understanding my strange vocal sounds.
After the break, I get down to work. I tell a number of true stories of what I have encountered and also what a friend of mine has experienced. To wrap it up, I tell about the place where I live now, and how customer friendly they are. The phrase at the end of the video is “Spirit of Service” and how the public would be better served if the service sector would adopt the “Spirit of Service”.
There is just one point that I would like to make. I have a visible challenge, but we all have our own challenges. Some challenges are hidden, and some are not. Therefore, this training package is for all facets of your business.
Did you know that according to Statistics Canada there are about 3.8 million Canadians (13.7%) reported having a challenge in 2012? The percentage of Canadians with challenges increased with age, ranging from 4.4% for people 15 to 24 years to 42.5% for those 75 years and over.
This number will continue to grow as our population in Canada ages. This means that one in seven of your customers will have a challenge, this is a fact that you ignore at your own peril.
People with challenges, along with their families and friends, travel, eat and shop in your local community. By providing service that welcomes people with challenges, you can offer better service to everyone.
Treating all the people who come to business with respect and courtesy is the heart of excellent customer service.
After watching the first part of the video we have some questions that you will want to work on together.
I have given this to your management team hoping that they can copy the last six pages of this document and give it out to people as they go through this training. It is my most fervent hope that you are able to provide great service to everyone with whatever challenge life has given him or her.
Yours in service,
Michael D. Haines