Let's Get Certain!
☆ Martin Seville
??Personal Development Specialist?? Working with Leaders, Managers, Business Owners and Teams to overcome what's in their way and build the life they want.
Welcome to the sixth edition of the Your Extraordinary Life Newsletter.
THANK YOU for subscribing and being part of this journey together. We're approaching 1,000 subscribers and building a great community of like-minded people who want to live their most Extraordinary Life! So, let's keep that up.
As a recap, this newsletter is designed to help You navigate the thrills and spills of professional and personal life. In each issue you'll get:
Motivation Time
This issue's theme is the power of Certainty. If you remember, I covered in a previous issue, how this is one of our 6 Human Needs. But how do you get certainty in an uncertain world?How is it possible, when the economy is so messed up, inflation is so high, the cost of living is getting out of control, politics is ridiculous, a.i. is threatening our very existence? The list of distractions, dramas, catastrophisation and uncertainty is abundant ... if we choose to focus on it.
So, here are some wise words from Tom Ferry to simply remind you how you create certainty out of uncertainty. Spoiler alert: it's all about what you focus on.
So, as you go through this issue and discover the thinking and tools that will help you bring Certainty, be mindful of what you're focusing on. Remember that running, hiding, complaining, arguing, pointing fingers isn't a strategy. Take back control. Create your own Certainty. Get your Extraordinary Life back by, as Tom says:
"Having a goal, having a plan and working hard to make it happen."
Extraordinary Life Lesson
Certainty is about cast iron Belief. Whatever it is ... it's happening. No question. No doubt.
Yet, how often do we want something in our life to improve or change, but the best we have is hoping, wishing and praying it'll improve or change? If we're being really honest. We'd like it to happen, but don't really believe it'll happen ... and so it doesn't happen.
For years I hoped, wished and prayed my life would get better, especially as my work - family balance got more and more out of control, and my health got significantly worse. Did I truly believe it would or could get better though. No. Then, with that lack of belief came a lack of seeing the opportunities and taking action to improve things.
Sometimes we've got to go deep and get uncomfortable with how we've been living and what we've been letting happen. It's not too late though. A simple understanding of the necessity of Certainty, of belief, and what that enables, has the power to change and improve everything. We might not get everything we want, and things might not work out exactly how we planned, but I guarantee you you'll be leap years ahead of where you would have been if you hadn't of Believed and didn't take any action as a result.
So, sure, still hope, still wish, still pray if that's your thing ... but start Believing above all else.
The Holy Grail of Success
Frameworks are priceless. Whether they help you get predictable and sustainable results, or help you reflect, plan and take action.
Today's framework helps you with results and action.
In fact, my mentor Tony Robbins, who I learnt this from, calls this the Holy Grail of belief and momentum. However you define success, Tony is certain this simple framework is what makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, what helps you achieve the life you're capable of, versus the life you settle for.
It's what I use to navigate the inevitable challenges in life and achieve the things I've achieved. I use it with clients, in my programmes, at my events. It's used by the most successful business people, actors, musicians, sports stars and teams on the planet ... and it's all about Certainty and Belief.
So, with all this said, it's my pleasure to introduce you to The Success Cycle.
Made up of 4 elements, the simple premise of this framework is that we all have unlimited potential, but rarely tap into it.
Those unbelievably successful people, we're talking those who are the best of the best in what they do, didn't get there by luck. They tapped into more of their potential than others.
You see, we all have Potential, we can all take Action towards our Potential, and we'll all get some kind of Result from that. But our Results will, importantly, reflect how much of our Potential we Believe is possible. How Certain we are that we'll achieve it. In fact, the intensity, persistence and sheer determination in our Action will be a direct reflection of our Belief and Certainty.
Yoda was right. There is no "try". Consider what happens when you give something "a try", give something "a go" ... you've already given yourself a way out. You already believe it might not work out. This impacts your energy, your commitment and everything around what you're "trying" to do. You're not "all in". The result isn't a must, a non-negotiable, a certainty. It may or may not happen and you're already okay with that. Forget about being the best in the world, you can't improve, change, achieve more or be the best you can be with that kind of hoping, wishing, praying, trying attitude.
If you want to improve, change or achieve anything you have to Believe with Certainty that it's possible. Roger Bannister ran the 4 minute mile, something no one in history had done before, because unlike everyone else, he Believed it was possible. Walt Disney got the funding for Disneyland on the 301st time of asking, because he Believed it was possible. Mel Fisher discovered the half billion dollar's of long lost treasure in a ship wreck after 16 years of looking, because he Believed it was possible. I set up my Coaching Business so people don't have to experience what I've been through, because I Believed it was possible. Our Belief, our Certainty impacts the Action we're willing to take and the time we're willing to put in, which in turn impacts our Results, which steps us more into our Potential.
This is what The Success Cycle teaches us. It encourages us to dig deeper and actively step into our Potential. Here are some pointers to get you started:
> What is it that you want to improve, change or achieve?
> What's the Potential you're looking to step into?
> Keep that Potential big and bold.
Certainty and Belief
> What have you got to Believe for it to be an absolute Certainty?
> What do you have to visualise in your mind day in day out to fuel that Belief and Certainty?
> What's the deep, meaningful, non-negotiable 'Why' that makes this a Certainty?
> What action have you got to take to reach the improvement, change or achievement with Certainty?
> With what intensity have you got to take that action?
> How consistent, and for how long, will you take the action to reach your Potential?
> What does the Result you're aiming for look like and feel like?
> When will you know you've achieved the Result?
> What are you prepared to do to achieve the Result?
We have far more control over our destiny and quality of life than most of us give ourselves credit. The Success Cycle reminds us of this. Now go live with Certainty and Belief.
Top Tip: Watch this Exclusive video from my Stressed Dad to Calm Dad signature programme. You don't have to be a Stressed Dad to get Massive value from this. It's our starting point in the programme, demonstrating the importance of Mindset. I discuss the Success Cycle and so much more. No one outside of my £997 paid programme has seen this, but I'm sharing it exclusively with you as part of my Your Extraordinary Life community.
Enjoy and put into practice what you learn.
Book Recommendation
Who Moved My Cheese, by Dr Spencer Johnson.
I first read this book ... to my family on a camping trip in France! Strange but true! They loved it.
It's a fun (very) short story about mice in a maze ... and it's littered with simple, relatable, powerful life lessons. Dealing with the themes of change, fear, building certainty and more, you're sure to recognise yourself at times in our four mice friends, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw.
Considered one of the most popular and successful business books of all time, it's worth the less than an hour of your time to read.
How do we deal with change? What holds us back? What encourages us to leap into the unknown? What helps us to continue when we feel discouraged? Well, discover and enjoy what our new mice friends can teach us.
Whether you get the paperback or listen to the audio book on the move, check it out, let me know what you think; and remember what Haw discovered about creating Certainty:
"The more clearly he saw the image of himself enjoying New Cheese, the more real and believable it became. He could sense that he was going to find it."
Here's Who Moved My Cheese, using my Affiliate link. There's even an Audible 3 month Free trial. Any affiliate commissions will go towards supporting Gloucestershire Bundles who help families in crisis. I have a particular passion to help families throughout the year, and to ensure each child in these families receives a Christmas present at the end of the year.
Video Recommendation
As you've discovered, The Success Cycle is a powerful framework.
You've now read and watched me talk you through it. So, I thought it would be fun - and powerful - to also show a classic video from Tony Robbins talking about it with John Reese and Frank Kern. In fact the conversation comes about as a result of John and Frank wanting to explore why some people (in fact most people) don't follow through. They want a better life, and might even buy courses and products that will help, but they don't follow through. I find this whole topic fascinating because I see it every day.
So, check out this video and reflect on what you can learn about yourself and how you can follow through to create the Extraordinary Life you want.
... and consider what Tony says:
"It takes guts to believe."
Best in the world Education and Software: Coming Soon!
This is a heads up that coming soon, I'll be able to demo and offer you an education and software package that's the BEST in the world on helping you set up your own main or side business where you're sharing your knowledge, skills, passions or lived experience to help others (basically what I do).
I have it, I'm working through it and I'm re-engineering my business around it - it's that good!
We're talking cutting edge, and replaces every other software out there - from email, websites, funnels, sales pages, lead magnets, appointment setting, social media scheduling, pipelines, with plug and play done for you creation, best in the world templates and funnels, full automation, a specialist a.i. trained by the best personal and business strategists in the world and so much more, including a full education hub ... all at a ridiculous monthly investment that no one else can come close to.
It's literally a game changer. Debuting at our recent The Game Has Changed event, it's blown everyone away who's using it. People are creating businesses and resources in minutes and hours, rather than weeks and months. It's a privilege to be able to offer and support you with it on an ongoing basis. If you're interested, let me know and I'll be touch.
Community Recommendation
It's our small, global community of like-minded people looking to be better and do better, so we can live our most Extraordinary Lives. With an increasing library of over 80 hours of Exclusive trainings and events, there's plenty of valuable content and resources for everyone ... for Free!
I look forward to welcoming you soon.
Sign off
Thank You for joining us for this latest edition of the Your Extraordinary Life Newsletter.
I hope you've found it motivating and insightful to help you Get Certainty! It's an uncertain world, but you can create the kind of Certainty that will improve your life. It's been fun, again, to put together, giving you Exclusives and sharing with you the Best frameworks in the world.
My aim is to help you live Your most Extraordinary Life ... and this is one way I'm delivering on that aim.
As always, I'd love to hear from you. So, drop me a comment or message on what you think, ask any questions you may have, and please do share the newsletter with anyone that might benefit. Lets keep this community growing. Who knows, maybe next issue we'll be celebrating 1,000 subscribers!
If you'd like to go a little deeper into anything we've covered in this edition, then please do book a free call. It would be a privilege to help you.
Thanks again, and until next time, remember just how Extraordinary you are.
Your coach, mentor and friend,