Let's Get This Bread. Or Dough... Or Doughnut
My daughter Clare's preschool told my husband she had a big tantrum yesterday. I talked to her when I got home and she told me me she really wanted a red doughnut NOT a green doughnut! Also, ZOE GOT A RED DOUGHNUT (you can see the conundrum). I said it's tough when we don't get our way but that none of us will let her yell at friends or scream and kick on the floor. We hugged.
This morning, Clare decided to tell me that after the apparent tantrum, they gave her the red doughnut after all. I laughed, wondering why she got positive reinforcement after the outburst (likely, trying to keep the peace, bless them). You'll have to trust me that Clare is generally well-behaved... for a toddler... and is a sweetheart - which is why I ended up being a little proud that she got what she wanted in this microcosm of preschool politics.
As you know, "Let's Get This Bread" is a phrase originally used to mean "let's get money" (bread = dough [$]). Now the term is more broad; as Urban Dictionary in its infinite wisdom says, it "is more loosely defined as sort of a battle cry, calling upon the will of the person to succeed."
So, to my kicking-and-screaming Clare: thank you for the reminder that it's important to play nice most of the time, yet it's also important to pay attention to what you really want, not compromise and not be afraid of being a little disruptive until it's yours.
#DOUGHNUTMessWithMyGirl #LetsGetThisBread #OrDough #OrDoughnut