Let’s follow Jesus!
Jesus, is this what You meant?! Empty churches with padlocks on the gate? Abandoned ministry centers intended for medical and feeding relief that seem to only be occupied whenever western pastors arrive? All the while, just next door are dirty alleyways and shanty houses. Dogs seem to be everywhere. Faces hide behind barbed wire; eyes peer out through broken glass. Children drink from the garbage strewn, slimy, green sewage that runs in the gutters. So many of them run naked in the streets; it’s an easy choice -- clothes are seen as a luxury, not a necessity… besides, you can save money when you don’t have to buy diapers.
Men lay unconscious in their own vomit, or stare off into space as they ride out their latest “trip” brought on by sniffing glue or paint. Women work tirelessly as they try to care for their children and produce something for their next meal. Literally, the industry here is garbage — collecting, sorting and selling trash.
People warn me of the dangers in the neighborhood. Here, for so many, stealing is not an option; it’s a necessity. And often times, violence is simply survival.
This can’t be what Jesus intended! Is it dangerous here? No doubt! I could be robbed me at any moment. There’s no question that someone could attack or kill me, without any hesitation. Is it dirty here? For sure! Could I could get some disease. Absolutely! But isn’t this where Jesus invited us? Isn’t light supposed to shine in darkness?! Are we supposed to only love people who look and smell just like us? Who speak the same language as us? Is faith simply reciting or singing words in a beautiful, comfortable, safe building??
OR... is it making ourselves vulnerable? Isn’t that what Jesus did? Isn’t this what He’s still doing? Isn’t this where Jesus was? I believe it’s still where He’s going…And I think He’s inviting us to come along...And then, the greatest privilege of all...instead of losing our “things”, our health, or even our life, we are given a front-row, center-stage seat to the absolute “Greatest Show on Earth”! It is in this place that a “shanty town” becomes a shrine; and we realize that those who seemed so scary only moments ago, are really only “kidnapped royalty” – men, women and children created to be sons and daughters of a King! We get to stand on Holy Ground!
Instead of being hurt, harassed or harmed, I am welcomed and embraced. And even more so, so is the cross and the message of a loving Father who sent His only Son, Jesus! Children push to gather around cross. Families invite me into their “homes”. The men who are working stop and come close. They all patiently listen through my broken Spanish. Then, hands are held. Heads are bowed. Tears begin to make trails down dirty cheeks. Faces begin to shine with ear-to-ear smiles. And I get to watch Heaven be poured out in the hearts of these beautiful, precious people!
Let’s follow Jesus! Let’s remove the padlocks! And let’s swing the doors open - wide! Let’s make some friends! Let’s help them in any and every way we can! Let’s open our arms and hold someone who’s hurting! Let’s wipe away some tears! Let’s smile! Let’s play with the children in the streets! Let’s dance with them! Let’s laugh! Let’s sing! Let’s stop fearing this world! And let’s tell some precious, but desperate people about Jesus and His love! May we say yes to Jesus’ invitation and follow Him wherever He leads!
He's waiting! They’re waiting! Let’s go!
“Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled…” Luke 6:20-21
Thanks, again, for walking together with us!
God bless you!!