Let's focus on sales today
Tuesday 1/21/20...
Well, that sucks. I woke up to a low balance notification on my phone which means I had to borrow money from myself again...
Not a great way to start the day, admittedly, but I have two choices: I can wallow and feel bad for myself about not making enough money this month or I can do something about it!
I'm way behind on open convos in my LinkedIn inbox. I can easily turn those into a handful of new calls. The more people I speak to, the better my message gets and the more shots I get at the next opportunity.
I put myself in a hole by being so indecisive in my first six months in business. It's hard to sell when you don't even know what you're selling, but that's no longer the case. I have molded my business into something that harnesses my passions: creating and connecting.
It's taken some time to get my message right, but I feel like it's well defined enough to do the job. Sure, I could benefit from updated web pages and additional collateral, but that's not a necessity to sell.
One of the things I do best is meeting new people. I just need to keep doing so until the next opportunity presents itself. And this isn't just to sustain me and my business, my model is dependent on referrals, so If I want to fuel business growth for my partners, I need to be able to find opportunities to bring to them.
I'll go through my morning routine to cover my marketing activities and finish off the morning with sales follow up from recent conversations. I have no calls scheduled today, so that leaves me the entire afternoon to do lead gen and book myself some more meetings.
I should also spend some time managing my pipeline to keep myself focused on any potential opportunities I've already identified in previous conversations.
If I have time, I can run through everyone in Hubspot - people I've already spoken with at one point - to update them/catch up on what they've been up to.
I have a lot of things to do, but if it's not sales, it's off the table for today. I need to stay focused.
I do have to work on content this week, but I can do the newsletter tomorrow for launch on Thursday. Thursday can be another sales focused day. Then, Friday I can edit the next episode of the podcast. Everything else on my to-do list can be done after hours or be pushed to next week.
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This is an entry from my personal daily journal and a snapshot of what it's like building my company, SIX3MEDIA. I started publishing these entries to hone my writing skills, reflect on my progress, and share my experiences first-hand.
If you've enjoyed these posts, be sure to check out the Million:One podcast or sign up for the newsletter to hear similar stories and experiences from other founders on a journey of their own.
Thanks for reading, see ya tomorrow : )
- Dan