Let's Find Some Light
There’s always good light, somewhere. We can do your portrait/headshot anywhere you’d like. At your home, office, or in front of this cathedral South of Market in San Francisco. If the light is good we can convert images to black and white. Why? Because it looks cool. It’s interesting. It’s different. And it directs the focus of the viewer to the face.
You’d be surprised at how often I am asked to shoot black and white. Of course I don’t shoot black and white, as I don’t shoot on film, but I convert to black and white during processing and easily give you both the color and grayscale version of the same photo. This gives me greater control of the tonal qualities of the image. I have immense respect for those photographers who did, and still do, shoot on film. They have much more skill than I.
What I am good at is finding the right light and placing a person at the right location within it. So let’s take a little walk you and I. Let’s find some light. That’s part of what photography is about. That search. The hunt for the right light. If the light is good you will look good in black and white and in color.